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Descripción del Proyecto

xtray is an extension of the systemtray. it can show multiple Shortcuts in the systemtray which can be started by click. also it has an extra icon in the systemtray which has an extra startmenu. with configurationdialog

System Requirements

Sistema Operativo: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7), Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000, Windows XP

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Latest 1 files
Nombre Tamaño Fecha Download count
xtrayinst.exe 770.0 KB 2003-07-08 16:03 1631
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xtray0.9(Win2k, WinXP)
xtrayinst.exe770.0 KB2003-07-08 16:031631