Si eres un aficionado a los Sudokus, hoy te traemos una aplicación que seguro te resultara de los mas interesante. Sudokuki nos ofrece diversión ilimitada para disfrutar sin distracciones del popular juego oriental en el que debemos combinar los números de todas las celdas.
Las reglas son las originales, el jugador deberá colocar los números del 1 al 9 en tres cuadros horizontales y verticales con la condición de que los números no pueden repetirse.
Sudokuki cuenta con una interface gráfica realmente sencilla, con la posibilidad de imprimir los sudokus, guardar la partida o elegir entre los mas de 12 idiomas disponibles.
Sudokuki está diseñado como un juego de Sudoku gráfico. Sudokuki también puede utilizarse para resolver incluso las cuadrículas de Sudoku más difíciles. También puedes utilizar esta aplicación simple para aprender a jugar Sudoku si eres un principiante. Usted puede incluso elegir el idioma de visualización del menú y la dificultad del juego. Software Libre.
Sudokuki - essential sudoku game
The current stable release is version 1.2.
-- Translations --
Translations include Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Russian, Latvian, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese) and Spanish at the moment.
-- Forums --
Please consult the Sudokuki FORUMS on Sourceforge:
and share your comments with other users and contributors.
Those forums are a good place to ask questions, report bugs,
suggest features, contribute by submitting patches, or get
some HELP for anything related to Sudokuki.
-- Free software license and Copyright --
Sudokuki is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3 or later (GPL v3+).
This program is developed during the author's free-time, in the
hope that some users will find it useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
of any kind.
You are welcome to transfer this program to other people as long as
you respect the license terms. Read the GNU General Public License
for more details.
The full license text is available in the file called COPYING that
must be included in every copy of the program.
Sudokuki is free software ("Free" as in "Freedom").
Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Sylvain Vedrenne
-- Distributions including Sudokuki --
The following GNU/Linux distributions are known to be using
Sudokuki: Vector Linux, Puppy Linux, Arch Linux, etc.
-- Websites referencing Sudokuki --
Sudokuki is referenced by many websites, for example:
- Free Software Foundation - Free Software Directory
- Vector Linux
- (related to Vector Linux)
- Arch Linux
- Puppy Linux
- University of Amsterdam Master Education in System and Network Eng.
- Softpedia
* 2013-04-27 - released Sudokuki 1.2 (Stable)
- Added capability to resize the grid (fixes #245 GUI Needs to be dynamically resizable)
- Improved the paint process (more efficient)
- dispose() "Resolution in progress" dialog before showing "Resolution successful"
- In the selection dialog, memos are no more in bold font when selected
- Fixed #249 'debian' folder missing from source archive