Foros: Open Discussion (Thread #32879)

Translations (2012-10-05 19:33 by Mail #65740)

Needed: localized versions... I would very much like Dutch...

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RE: Translations (2012-10-08 06:27 by Vincent #65763)

try to find what you need in this page :
Install it, and please, report if that work for you. Or not :D
That doesn't work for me, but I don't know why

Responder al #65740

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RE: Translations (2012-10-08 16:21 by t_mrc-ct #65780)

Tenfourbird successfully localized with that langpack (fr.xpi). But with some bugs...

Known Issues:

* Can't open 'About Tenfourbird' Dialog (XUL Error occured).
* File Dialog and Print Dialog are not localized.
* Calendar (Lightning) is not localized.


1. Install Langpack xpi

1-1. Select Menu Tools > Add-ons
1-2. Click gear-button (top-right ), select 'Install Add-on From File...'
1-3. Choose langpack xpi you want to install

2. Change UI Locale

2-1. Select Tenfourbird > Preferences...
2-2. Select Advanced tab
2-3. Click Config Editor...
2-4. Read warning carefully and click
2-5. Edit property 'general.useragent.locale' to new locale you want to change (en-US, fr, de, ja-JP-mac, etc...).

3. Restart Tenfourbird

3-1. Restarted with new locale.
Responder al #65763

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RE: Translations (2012-10-08 18:21 by vincent #65782)

Responder al #65780

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RE: Translations (2012-10-17 03:08 by tronigo #65886)

I made a folder containing the translation in French TenFourBird 10.0.9.
It works fine on my PPC G4 400.

* Can open 'About Tenfourbird' Dialog (XUL No Error occured).
* File and Print Dialog Dialog are localized.
* Calendar (Lightning) is not localized.

If you want, I can send it to you.

Thank you for your excellent work.
Responder al #65780

Responder al #65886×

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RE: Translations (2012-10-08 18:25 by Vincent #65783)

Sorry for the previous message.

So, That work perfectly. Thanks for the tips
Previously I tried to use the same way but i changed intl.accept_languages without success.
The should be work for German too.

Thanks again for all.

Responder al #65740

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