[tomoyo-users-en 660] Re: caitsith-editpolicy?

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0stro****@cox***** 0stro****@cox*****
Sun Oct 23 10:20:58 JST 2016

Thanks for the response. My question stemmed from what is probably just
some confusion on my part. I have been attempting to make changes
directly to /etc/caitsith/policy/current
and then load those changes by issuing command #
/usr/sbin/caitsith-loadpolicy < /etc/caitsith/policy/current. What I
found is that this seems to append /etc/caitsith/policy/current to
/sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy. If I had made some deletions to
/etc/caitsith/policy/current, # cat /sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy
would still show some of the policy I had deleted. I tried the command #
/usr/sbin/caitsith-loadpolicy << /etc/caitsith/policy/current, but that
didn't work. In hindsight, I should have asked if there is a way to
completely replace /sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy with
/etc/caitsith/policy/current without rebooting?
> Hello.
> Darrell wrote:
>> Do you have any plans to create an ncurses caitsith-editpolicy similar
>> to ccs-editpolicy? I've been contemplating migrating from CCS to
>> Caitsith and miss the ncurses editor for in-memory policy editing.
> Since I think that caitsith-loadpolicy and caitsith-queryd are sufficient
> for editing in-memory policy configuration ( /proc/caitsith/policy or
> /sys/kernel/security/caitsith/policy ), I don't have a plan to create
> caitsith-editpolicy .
> Since TOMOYO modifies in-memory policy configuration, we use ccs-editpolicy
> or tomoyo-editpolicy for browsing and editing in-memory policy configuration.
> But since CaitSith does not, there is little need for browsing and editing
> in-memory policy configuration using a dedicated tool.
> You can run caitsith-savepolicy when you modified in-memory policy configuration
> using caitsith-loadpolicy or caitsith-queryd .

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