[tomoyo-users-en 661] Re: caitsith-queryd suggestion

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0stro****@cox***** 0stro****@cox*****
Sun Oct 23 11:13:38 JST 2016

> Hello.
> Darrell wrote:
>> Because Caitsith has the functionality to create deny rules, I was
>> wondering if you would be open to adding functionality to
>> caitsith-queryd to ignore certain deny rules. I would like to propose a
>> "query 0" rule which when triggered with caitsith-queryd running, would
>> silently bypass prompting.
> I wonder for what purpose you are trying to keep caitsith-queryd running.
> I think that we use caitsith-queryd only when we do something unusual
> (e.g. running software updater) for handling unexpected requests.
       I keep ccs-queryd running in a terminal window on my desktop all
the time for monitoring purposes. I find it convenient for when there is
a gap in my rules or maybe an application's behavior has changed after
an update. I keep another one open for monitoring syslog. I'm looking to
use the same model if/when I migrate from CCS to Caitsith.
>> For example, using the following ruleset I am trying to block
>> inet_stream_connect connections for all applications, except those I've
>> whitelisted. I want to be prompted by queryd for violations of this rule
>> like normal. However, I also want to block blacklisted applications and
>> not be prompted by caitsith-queryd.
>> 0 acl inet_stream_connect
>>    audit 1
>>    query 0
>>    10 deny task.exe="/usr/bin/rsync"
>> 10 acl inet_stream_connect
>>    audit 1
>>    10 allow task.exe="/usr/bin/curl"
>>    100 deny
> Apart from "query 0", I don't understand what you want to do with these rules.
> The latter rule allows only /usr/bin/curl to use connect(AF_INET or AF_INET6)
> on SOCK_STREAM sockets.
        I only used a rule with a single operation for an example. My
full ruleset denies all network operations for all applications, except
those I whitelist which are many more than just curl. Like an
application firewall of sorts. I also make use of more in depth rules
such as file access for applications such as web browsers and WINE programs.
> If you don't want /usr/bin/rsync to generate a query, you want to implement
> something like below?
> 10 acl inet_stream_connect
>    audit 1
>    10 allow task.exe="/usr/bin/curl"
>    20 deny task.exe="/usr/bin/rsync" ignore_query
>    100 deny
        This would work perfectly! It is a much better implementation
than the separate rule method I proposed.
>> If this functionality already exists through more clever rule writing,
>> please excuse my ignorance. If not, any consideration you may give to my
>> idea would be appreciated.
> But even if there is a scenario where keeping caitsith-queryd always running
> makes sense, I don't think we need to implement it in the kernel side as
> policy syntax. Adding a configuration file for caitsith-queryd (e.g.
> /etc/caitsith/tools/queryd.conf ) and enumerating filtering rules as with
> /etc/caitsith/tools/auditd.conf will be cleaner.
        I don't know if my desktop usage of keeping caitsith-queryd
always running for monitoring makes any sense for the normal or intended
usage model of Caitsith. Perhaps it may prove to be too much of a corner
case to be worth the time to implement. I really don't know because I
don't know how most people use TOMOYO. I appreciate that you've taken
time to read and respond to my suggestion. Thank you!

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