[Ultrapossum-cvs 202] demo/haviewer 1.1,1.2,haviewer.rb

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Masato Taruishi taru****@sourc*****
2004年 6月 21日 (月) 20:56:05 JST

RCS file: demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/06/21 08:30:23	1.1
+++ demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/06/21 11:56:05	1.2
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'uconv'
 require 'libglade2'
 def on_close_clicked
@@ -9,17 +9,20 @@
 class HAViewer
-  Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "Pid", "Since" ]
+  Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "Pid", "Since", "I" ]
   Hosts = []
   OID = "private.12345"  # .2.101.1"
   class Host
-    def initialize( host, viewer )
+    def initialize( host, type, viewer )
       @host = host;
       @viewer = viewer
       @list = viewer.list
       @row =****@list*****
+      @color = "green"
+      @status = ""
+      @type = type
       @t = Thread.new {
         while(1) do
@@ -31,7 +34,30 @@
+    def _coloring(buf, color)
+      return "<span foreground=\"#{color}\"><tt>#{buf}</tt></span>"
+    end
+    def _icon
+      on  = _coloring(Uconv.euctou8("●"), @color);
+      off_g = _coloring(Uconv.euctou8("●"), "#007700" );
+      off_y = _coloring(Uconv.euctou8("●"), "#777700" );
+      off_r = _coloring(Uconv.euctou8("●"), "#770000" );
+      buf = ""
+      case @color
+      when "green"
+         buf = on + off_y + off_r
+      when "yellow"
+         buf = off_g + on + off_r
+      when "red"
+         buf = off_g + off_y + on
+      end
+      return "<span background=\"black\">(#{buf})</span>"
+    end
     def update
+#      @list.set_value(@row, 0, _markup(@status[0,1]))
+      @list.set_value(@row, 0, _icon) 
       @list.set_value(@row, 1, @host)
       @list.set_value(@row, 2, @type)
       @list.set_value(@row, 3, @status)
@@ -40,16 +66,36 @@
     def snmp
-      @list.set_value(@row, 0, "\\")
+      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "\\")
       buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.2.101.1`
       @status = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @list.set_value(@row, 0, "|")
+      @status = "-----" if****@statu***** == 0
+      case @status
+      when "DEAD"
+        @color = "red"
+      when "STOP"
+        @color = "red"
+      when "-----"
+        @color = "yellow"
+      when "ACTIVE"
+        @color = "green"
+      end
+      @list.set_value(@row, 0, _icon) if****@statu*****
+      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "|")
       buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.3.101.1`
       @pid = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @list.set_value(@row, 0, "/")
+      @pid = "-----" if****@pid***** == 0
+      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "/")
       buf = `snmpget -v1 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID}.4.101.1`
       @since = buf.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.+)"\n/, '\1')
-      @list.set_value(@row, 0, "-")
+      @since = "-----" if****@since***** == 0
+      @list.set_value(@row, 6, "-")
     attr_reader :row, :host
@@ -59,10 +105,10 @@
   def initialize(glade)
     @glade = @glade = GladeXML.new(glade) {|handler| method(handler)}
-    @list = Gtk::ListStore.new(String, String, String, String, String, String)
+    @list = Gtk::ListStore.new(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
     @columns = []
     Column.size.times do |i|
-      @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, {:text => i})
+      @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :markup => i })  # {:text => i, :markup => 1})
     @columns.each do |val|
@@ -71,12 +117,10 @@
-    h = Host.new(`ultrapossum-config get MASTER`.gsub!(/MASTER="(.+)"\n/, '\1'), self)
-    h.type = "master"
+    h = Host.new(`ultrapossum-config get MASTER`.gsub!(/MASTER="(.+)"\n/, '\1'), "master", self)
     Hosts << h
     `ultrapossum-config get SLAVES`.gsub!(/SLAVES="(.*)"\n/, '\1').split(' ').each do |s|
-      h = Host.new(s.chomp, self)
-      h.type = "slave"
+      h = Host.new(s.chomp, "slave", self)
       Hosts << h

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