[X-tt-list:#] Sto.ck Ale.rt: CSBI set for big gains on Friday.

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Rafael Scott rcdap****@left*****
2004年 7月 17日 (土) 06:02:51 JST

U R_G E N T   I N .V E S T O R   A L .E R T

OTCBB: CSBI EXPECT.ED TO EXP,LODE ON Friday 16th of July - Gr.eat announ.cement

NEWS: Carroll Shelby to Introduce Shelby Ford Expedition at SEMA

Carroll Shelby International, Inc (OTCBB: CSBI)

Current Price Price:      $2.10
Short Term Target Price:  $4.55
12 month Target Price:    $6.00

Shares Outstanding:  14.6M
Public Float:  1.8M
Market Cap:  58.4M

This company deserves your immediate attention !!!

The company just bottomed at $2.1 and we believe in the next 3-5 days this stock will 
go back to at least $4.50 following the exciting news just released


 >> Take a look at our past Strong Buy recommendations <<
 ACUP****@1***** High 3.85...157% Gain 
  DMTY****@0***** High 0.90...310% Gain 
  CFTN****@0***** High 2.62...615% Gain
  HTSC****@0***** High 2.95...319% Gain 
  QLHC****@0***** High 3.50...349% Gain 


 C O M P A N Y   O V E R V I E W


Carroll Shelby’s name is synonymous with performance.  In the automobile industry, there is no greater name more legendary 

than Carroll Shelby.  From the initial production of the first Shelby Cobra in the 1960s to the most recent launch of the 

CSX4000 Series Cobra 427 S/C this year, Carroll Shelby continues to shape the landscape for generations of high performance 


Carroll Shelby International, Inc. is a holding company for Shelby Automobiles, Inc. and Carroll Shelby Licensing, Inc.  

Together, the Shelby Companies are engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of performance automobiles and related 

accessories as well as the licensing of Shelby memorabilia, video games, models, toys and other branded apparel.  Shelby 

Automobiles is currently producing a continuation series of  Shelby Cobras, including the Cobra 427 S/C, the Cobra 289 FIA 

and the Cobra 289 S/C.  All automobiles are offered through a proprietary dealer network in North America.  Shelby 

Automobiles also sells aftermarket performance parts under the Carroll Shelby brand name.

Carroll Shelby International, Inc. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California with manufacturing facilities in Las Vegas, 

Nevada.  The Company currently has 50 employees.    


NEWS RELEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

LOS ANGELES, Jul 13, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Carroll Shelby International, Inc. (CSBI) announced today that 

it will unveil a limited edition Shelby Ford Expedition concept vehicle at the 2004 Specialty Equipment Market Association 

(SEMA) Show in Las Vegas in November. This new Shelby SUV will provide a number of performance, handling and styling upgrades 

over the standard Ford Expedition model. 

The Shelby Ford Expedition model will offer dynamically designed exterior body accents, graphics and ground-effects, enhanced 

interior styling and electronics package, high-performance tires mounted to the latest state of the art custom wheels, 

suspension and handling upgrades, and all driven by a Shelby tuned high performance engine package. 

"This is another step in our continuing partnership with the Ford Motor Company (F) to develop specialty niche performance 

products that promote the powerful Carroll Shelby tradition and heritage and we expect these products to generate significant 

revenues for our company," says John Luft, President of Carroll Shelby International, Inc. 

Current Price Price:      $2.10
Short Term Target Price:  $4.55
12 month Target Price:    $6.00

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