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Publicado: 2007-04-18 18:14
xoopscube2_1 XOOPSCube_2_1_RC_2 (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

We would like to first thank you all for the tests, reviews, and reports so far. The XOOPS Cube project team release the XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1 RC2.

As we announced before, this site ( has been updated with this release. If you are enthusiastic for XOOPS Cube, do not hesitate, try to use the RC2 at your own risk. We appreciate your feedbacks and upgrade report of your website.

[How to upgrade?]
This wiki page explains how to upgrade to RC.

For information of module compatibilities, please refer to this wiki page and this topic.

[Please report your challanges to upgrade!]
RC2 is the last version before the stable version. And, that is the stable version for hot users! We are planning to release the stable version of the XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1 at the beginning of next month. For that, RC2 needs many reports about actual using.

Some modules may not run on Legacy 2.1. Some environments may not be able to run Legacy 2.1. RC2 needs such reports. The community will organize these reports to Wiki, for sharing them. And, the dev team will try to contact module developers and will try to fix bugs rapidly.

Challenge to upgrade your site to 2.1! The first challenger is has upgraded to 2.1 from XOOPS JP 2.0.16. And, we reported it by the specific report format. If you challenge it, report your result with copy & paste to forum, after challenging. We appreciate your contributions and feedbacks, to evolve RC2 to the formal & stable version!


Thanks in advance,
The XOOPS Cube Project Team



Fix bug #9931 - "Notifications" Notice
Fix bug #9926 - fix a typo
Fix bug #9862 - fix a typo
Fix bug #9947 - problem of file uploading permission.
Fix bug #9864 - problem of X2 compatibility.
Fix bug #9884 - Legacy mod Bug of _AD_LEGACY_LANG_NO_SETTING
Fix bug #9933 - many notices
Fix bug #9987 - that Module Install Action has extra lines
Fix bug #9873 - Legacy's admin menu problem
Fix bug #9863 - fix AdminRenderSystem override Problem
Fix bug #9814 - fix Language problems
Fix bug #9987 - Module Install Action has extra lines
Fix bug #10084 - Much Better Handler
Fix bug #10089 - ModuleInstaller hasn't $mDirname
Fix bug #10090 #10098 - ModuleInstallUtils hasn't $mLog
Fix bug #10083 - Much Better _makeCriteriaElement4sql
Fix bug #10073 - Warning: User Registration
Fix bug #10049 - Legacy_Con can't parse encoded URL
Fix bug #10050 - 3 TYPOs
Fix bug #10150 - missing "_MD_LEGACY_LANG_NEXT_PAGE"
Fix bug #10141 - Wrong mime type: favicon.ico
Fix bug #10139 - Missing quotes and Id in XoopsObjectTree
Fix bug #10123 - missing message on upgrader
Fix bug #10107 - problem process on updatePreference
Fix bug #9885 - Module Updater can't process hasComments
Fix bug #10109 - function.xoops_textarea.php
Fix bug #10108 - Fatal error on Legacy_ModuleUninstaller
Fix bug #10120 - If style.css are removed, CSRF is incomming in mac browser.
Fix bug #10178 - adminmenu.absolute dosen't work
Fix bug #10152 - path disclosure (security)
Fix bug #10179 - Need to improve XCube_Root
Fix bug #9482 - Theme's Screenshot is not displayed too
Fix bug #10186 - notice undefined index on css plugin
Fix bug #10213 - The formatted date and time are assigned
Fix bug #10117 - notifications.php JavaScript @ Safari
Fix bug #10212 - xoops_link Smarty Plug-in
Fix bug #10144 - Force-Compile preference problem
Fix Bug #10120 - If style.css are removed, CSRF is incomming!?
Fix Bug #10048 - Module Handler can not cache instances
Fix bug #10270 - Impossible parameter in imagecategory
Fix Bug #10298 - kernel/blocks.php Patch
Fix Bug #10297 - Display blocks of imactive modules
Fix Bug #10271 - createCriteria() is not must

[Other Bug Fix]

- Fix a bug that ActionSearch had not searched from keyword of preferences.
- Fix a bug that ActionSearch had not searched from options of preferences when they are constants.
- Fix a bug that functions about help-viewer had not tried to get English files when it can't find help files in the specifiled language.
- Fix a bug that the module install action did not return false, when it is specified dummy value.
- Removed an extra line, and fixed some TYPOs.
- A small preload "Legacy_InstallerChecker" was added to Legacy. This preload displays warning to remove the install directory and stops starting, when a site owner still has not removed it. About it, a new template was added. But, it is not listed in xoops_version, because it is system file template as well as the site-close template.
- User View in the control panel got to display user's level with not number but string --- Pending User, Active User and Root User.
- Added the view icon to the user search result list.
- When a mailjob has no users as the send list, it became impossible to open the mailjob user list screen and the mailjob send screen.
- Added the mailjob view screen for completed mailjobs which have finised to send mails.
- Fix a bug that TplsetUploadAction doesn't update tpl_imported when tplse is uploaded.
- Moved css.php from Legacy's admin to Legacy Render's admin, to assume each features.
- Changed the default sort order, because PM viewer got to have the page navigator.
- Fix chmod problem.
- MyTextSanitizer stopped using reference parameters for getting $text.

[Other Changes]

Complete Task #2597 - Legacy_Controller::executeRedirect() is not compatible with redirect_header().
Adjusted for Task#2745 - Consider orrisroot's advice.