Throws unhadled "Format Info Error" when using sub-optimal image
Hi chrishaff.
It might be strange because it translates with the machine.
It will look for the person who helps the translation in a few days. It answers in Japanese.
2.今のところまだ対応できていません。 一応、ニュースリリースにも書きましたが日本語だったので読めていないと思います。 近日中に英語に翻訳してくれる人を探します。
Hi, chrishaff. The QR code you posted is slightly inclined, so you could not read. To read it, a projective method is needed and unfortunately we don't implement it yet. sorry for inconvenience.
I tried using a regular, full resolution camera picture taken on my droid (2.2 MB JPG). That failed due to array size.
So I scaled it down 25% to 640x480.
Later I just cropped on the
While I was working with them as JPEGs initially I would get a uncaught error that is thrown on line 246 of QRCode.js. It didn't look like it would make a difference I tried the image as a PNG as well and indeed that made no difference.
Are non black-and-white a problem?