Incidencia #45894

Extra build slot units not checked for build legality

Abrir Fecha: 2022-10-17 21:03 Última actualización: 2023-09-06 21:47

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


This allowed an exploit where one could "stash shields" (e.g., in a Battleship), then change to a cheap legal unit followed in the queue by a unit you can't build.

This made it possible to make Helicopters, Howitzers, and Stealth Bombers well before the tech was available!

Blamed: city_build_unit()... does check for current prod but not later worklist units. Needs an if such as

  1. /* Multislot units also need to be checked for build legality,
  2. * otherwise you can make Howitzers in the feudal age! */
  3. if (can_city_build_unit_direct(pcity, utype)) {
  4. punit = city_create_unit(pcity, utype);
  5. } else punit = NULL;

Ticket History (3/5 Histories)

2022-10-17 21:03 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Extra build slot units not checked for build legality" created
2022-10-17 21:31 Updated by: cazfi
  • Propietario Update from (Ninguno) to cazfi

That seems like FCW specific bug as they allow build slots to produce different kind of units than what was checked for. (They have a point in that the behavior they look for makes sense, but they have removed restrictions without fixing the reasons the restrictions were there)

2022-10-20 08:20 Updated by: None

Reply To cazfi

That seems like FCW specific bug as they allow build slots to produce different kind of units than what was checked for. (They have a point in that the behavior they look for makes sense, but they have removed restrictions without fixing the reasons the restrictions were there)

Well so far as I know this simple bug is the only reason to disallow making different kinds of units in the build slots. But please tell if there are others !

2022-10-20 21:37 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To (Anonymous)

Well so far as I know this simple bug is the only reason to disallow making different kinds of units in the build slots. But please tell if there are others !

I have not investigated the case more thoroughly, neither in code nor from commit messages or the tickets where the build slots functionality was added like this.

2023-09-06 21:47 Updated by: cazfi
  • Propietario Update from cazfi to (Ninguno)

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