Extra build slot units not checked for build legality
That seems like FCW specific bug as they allow build slots to produce different kind of units than what was checked for. (They have a point in that the behavior they look for makes sense, but they have removed restrictions without fixing the reasons the restrictions were there)
Reply To cazfi
That seems like FCW specific bug as they allow build slots to produce different kind of units than what was checked for. (They have a point in that the behavior they look for makes sense, but they have removed restrictions without fixing the reasons the restrictions were there)
Well so far as I know this simple bug is the only reason to disallow making different kinds of units in the build slots. But please tell if there are others !
Reply To (Anonymous)
Well so far as I know this simple bug is the only reason to disallow making different kinds of units in the build slots. But please tell if there are others !
I have not investigated the case more thoroughly, neither in code nor from commit messages or the tickets where the build slots functionality was added like this.
This allowed an exploit where one could "stash shields" (e.g., in a Battleship), then change to a cheap legal unit followed in the queue by a unit you can't build.
This made it possible to make Helicopters, Howitzers, and Stealth Bombers well before the tech was available!
Blamed: city_build_unit()... does check for current prod but not later worklist units. Needs an if such as