Mercury String Serialization library
Rev. | d334bf910a4965cf82f61eeddb55698b9215dac3 |
Tamaño | 20,103 octetos |
Tiempo | 2020-07-14 10:08:14 |
Autor | AlaskanEmily |
Log Message | Initial commit
:- module binstring.
% Copyright (c) 2019-2020, AlaskanEmily, Transnat Games
% This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
% warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
% arising from the use of this software.
% Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
% including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
% freely, subject to the following restrictions:
% 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
% claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
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% appreciated but is not required.
% 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
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% 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
% Really simple module to save/load a string to binary streams.
% Includes options for nul-termination or Pascal-style leading sizes.
:- interface.
:- use_module stream.
:- type error --->
unexpected_eof ;
encoding_error ;
% Inst's to let us get a result that is unique on ok, but grounded on error,
% with a unique tag.
:- inst error_uniq for binstring.error/0 ==
unique(unexpected_eof ; encoding_error ; stream_error(ground)).
:- inst result_uniq(T) for stream.maybe_partial_res/2 ==
unique(stream.ok(unique) ; stream.error(ground, T)).
:- mode result_uo == free >> result_uniq(error_uniq).
:- type partial_result == stream.maybe_partial_res(string, binstring.error).
% Saves a string as NUL-terminated
:- pred save_string_utf8(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as NUL-terminated
:- pred load_string_utf8(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
% Saves a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with a single size byte
:- pred save_string_utf8_len1(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8_len1(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with a single size byte
:- pred load_string_utf8_len1(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8_len1(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
% Saves a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with two size bytes (Big)
:- pred save_string_utf8_len2_be(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8_len2_be(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with two size bytes (Big)
:- pred load_string_utf8_len2_be(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8_len2_be(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
% Saves a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with two size bytes (Little)
:- pred save_string_utf8_len2_le(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8_len2_le(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with two size bytes (Little)
:- pred load_string_utf8_len2_le(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8_len2_le(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
% Saves a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with four size bytes (Big)
:- pred save_string_utf8_len4_be(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8_len4_be(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with four size bytes (Big)
:- pred load_string_utf8_len4_be(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8_len4_be(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
% Saves a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with four size bytes (Little)
:- pred save_string_utf8_len4_le(Stream, string, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode save_string_utf8_len4_le(in, in, di, uo) is det.
% Loads a string as non-NUL-terminated byte sequence with four size bytes (Little)
:- pred load_string_utf8_len4_le(Stream, partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode load_string_utf8_len4_le(in, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- use_module char.
:- use_module exception.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- use_module string.
% Some insts to allow us to get the result_uo when using util functions to
% create the error/0 data.
:- inst err_uniq for binstring.error/0 ==
unique(unexpected_eof ; stream_error(ground)).
:- inst res_uniq(T) for stream.res/2 ==
unique(stream.ok(unique) ; stream.error(T)).
:- mode res_uo == free >> res_uniq(err_uniq).
:- mode error_di == error_uniq >> clobbered.
:- mode error_uo == free >> error_uniq.
:- type int_res == stream.res(int, binstring.error).
:- pred string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(list.list(int), string).
:- mode string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(di, uo) is semidet.
string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(List, String) :-
string.from_utf8_code_unit_list(list.reverse(List), String).
:- pred pad(Stream, int, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode pad(in, in, di, uo) is det.
pad(Stream, N) --> pad(Stream, N, 32).
:- pred pad(Stream, int, int, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode pad(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
pad(Stream, N, I, !State) :-
( if
N < 1
stream.put(Stream, I, !State),
pad(Stream, N - 1, I, !State)
:- pred write_utf8(Stream, character, int, int, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode write_utf8(in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
write_utf8(Stream, Char, I, O, !State) :-
( if
char.to_utf8(Char, UTF8)
(pred(Int::in, FI::di, (FI + 1)::uo, StI::di, StO::uo) is det :-
stream.put(Stream, Int, StI, StO) ),
I, O,
I = O
:- pred write_utf8(Stream, int, character, int, int, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode write_utf8(in, in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
write_utf8(Stream, Max, Char, I, O, !State) :-
( if
I < Max,
char.to_utf8(Char, UTF8),
Next = list.length(UTF8) + I,
Next =< Max
list.foldl(stream.put(Stream), UTF8, !State),
O = Next + 0
O = I + 0
:- pred write_utf8(Stream, character, State, State)
<= stream.writer(Stream, int, State).
:- mode write_utf8(in, in, di, uo) is det.
write_utf8(Stream, Char, !State) :-
( if
char.to_utf8(Char, UTF8)
list.foldl(stream.put(Stream), UTF8, !State)
:- func emit_error(binstring.error, list.list(int)) = partial_result.
:- mode emit_error(error_di, di) = (result_uo) is det.
emit_error(Error, List) = Result :-
( if
string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(List, String)
Result = stream.error(String, Error)
Result = stream.error("", encoding_error)
:- pred read_utf8(Stream, list.list(int), partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_utf8(in, di, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_utf8(Stream, List, Result, !State) :-
stream.get(Stream, ByteResult, !State),
ByteResult = stream.error(StreamError),
Error = stream_error(stream.error_message(StreamError))
ByteResult = stream.eof,
Error = unexpected_eof
emit_error(Error, List) = Result
ByteResult = stream.ok(Byte),
( if
Byte = 0
( if
string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(List, String)
Result = stream.ok(String)
Result = stream.error("", encoding_error)
read_utf8(Stream, [Byte+0|List], Result, !State)
:- pred read_utf8_len(Stream, int, list.list(int), partial_result, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_utf8_len(in, in, di, result_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_utf8_len(Stream, Remaining, List, Result, !State) :-, Remaining, 0),
Cmp = (<),
exception.software_error("Invalid index in binstring.read_utf8_len"))
Cmp = (=),
( if
string_from_utf8_code_unit_list_rev(List, String)
Result = stream.ok(String)
Result = stream.error("", encoding_error)
Cmp = (>),
stream.get(Stream, ByteResult, !State),
ByteResult = stream.error(StreamError),
Error = stream_error(stream.error_message(StreamError))
ByteResult = stream.eof,
Error = unexpected_eof
emit_error(Error, List) = Result
ByteResult = stream.ok(Byte),
( if
% Early-out for obviously incorrect bytes for UTF8
( Byte = 0 ; Byte >= 0xFE )
emit_error(encoding_error, List) = Result
read_utf8_len(Stream, Remaining - 1, [Byte+0|List], Result, !State)
save_string_utf8(Stream, String, !State) :-
string.foldl(write_utf8(Stream), String, !State),
stream.put(Stream, 0, !State).
load_string_utf8(Stream, Result, !State) :-
read_utf8(Stream, [], Result, !State).
save_string_utf8_len1(Stream, String, !State) :-
Len = int.min(string.length(String), 0xFF),
stream.put(Stream, Len, !State),
string.foldl2(write_utf8(Stream, Len), String, 0, End, !State),
pad(Stream, Len - End, !State).
:- pred read_int_be(Stream, int, int, int_res, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_int_be(in, di, di, res_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_int_be(Stream, N, Val, Result, !State) :-, N, 0),
Cmp = (<),
exception.software_error("Invalid index in binstring.read_int"))
Cmp = (=),
Result = stream.ok(Val)
Cmp = (>),
stream.get(Stream, ByteResult, !State),
ByteResult = stream.error(StreamError),
Result = stream.error(stream_error(stream.error_message(StreamError)))
ByteResult = stream.eof,
Result = stream.error(unexpected_eof)
ByteResult = stream.ok(Byte),
read_int_be(Stream, N - 1, int.unchecked_left_shift(Val, 3) + Byte, Result, !State)
:- pred read_int_be(Stream, int, int_res, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_int_be(in, di, res_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_int_be(Stream, N, Result) --> read_int_be(Stream, N, 0, Result).
:- pred read_int_le(Stream, int, int, int, int_res, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_int_le(in, di, in, di, res_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_int_le(Stream, N, Max, Val, Result, !State) :-, N, Max),
Cmp = (>),
exception.throw(exception.software_error("Invalid index in binstring.read_int"))
Cmp = (=),
Result = stream.ok(Val)
Cmp = (<),
stream.get(Stream, ByteResult, !State),
ByteResult = stream.error(StreamError),
Result = stream.error(stream_error(stream.error_message(StreamError)))
ByteResult = stream.eof,
Result = stream.error(unexpected_eof)
ByteResult = stream.ok(Byte),
read_int_be(Stream, N + 1, int.unchecked_left_shift(Byte, 3 * N) + Val, Result, !State)
:- pred read_int_le(Stream, int, int_res, State, State)
<= (stream.reader(Stream, int, State, Error), stream.error(Error)).
:- mode read_int_le(in, di, res_uo, di, uo) is det.
read_int_le(Stream, N, Result) --> read_int_le(Stream, 0, N, 0, Result).
load_string_utf8_len1(Stream, Result, !State) :-
stream.get(Stream, LenResult, !State),
LenResult = stream.error(StreamError),
Error = stream_error(stream.error_message(StreamError))
LenResult = stream.eof,
Error = unexpected_eof
Result = stream.error("", Error)
LenResult = stream.ok(Len),
( if
Len = 0
Result = stream.ok("")
read_utf8_len(Stream, Len, [], Result, !State)
save_string_utf8_len2_be(Stream, String, !State) :-
Len = int.min(string.length(String), 0xFFFF),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 8), !State),
stream.put(Stream, Len /\ 0xFF, !State),
string.foldl2(write_utf8(Stream, Len), String, 0, End, !State),
pad(Stream, Len - End, !State).
load_string_utf8_len2_be(Stream, Result, !State) :-
read_int_be(Stream, 2, LenResult, !State),
LenResult = stream.error(Error),
Result = stream.error("", Error)
LenResult = stream.ok(Len),
( if
Len = 0
Result = stream.ok("")
read_utf8_len(Stream, Len, [], Result, !State)
save_string_utf8_len2_le(Stream, String, !State) :-
Len = int.min(string.length(String), 0xFFFF),
stream.put(Stream, Len /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 8), !State),
string.foldl2(write_utf8(Stream, Len), String, 0, End, !State),
pad(Stream, Len - End, !State).
load_string_utf8_len2_le(Stream, Result, !State) :-
read_int_le(Stream, 2, LenResult, !State),
LenResult = stream.error(Error),
Result = stream.error("", Error)
LenResult = stream.ok(Len),
( if
Len = 0
Result = stream.ok("")
read_utf8_len(Stream, Len, [], Result, !State)
save_string_utf8_len4_be(Stream, String, !State) :-
Len = int.min(string.length(String), 0xFFFFFFFF),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 24) /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 16) /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 8) /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, Len /\ 0xFF, !State),
string.foldl2(write_utf8(Stream, Len), String, 0, End, !State),
pad(Stream, Len - End, !State).
load_string_utf8_len4_be(Stream, Result, !State) :-
read_int_be(Stream, 4, LenResult, !State),
LenResult = stream.error(Error),
Result = stream.error("", Error)
LenResult = stream.ok(Len),
( if
Len = 0
Result = stream.ok("")
read_utf8_len(Stream, Len, [], Result, !State)
save_string_utf8_len4_le(Stream, String, !State) :-
Len = int.min(string.length(String), 0xFFFFFFFF),
stream.put(Stream, Len /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 8), !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 16) /\ 0xFF, !State),
stream.put(Stream, int.unchecked_right_shift(Len, 24) /\ 0xFF, !State),
string.foldl2(write_utf8(Stream, Len), String, 0, End, !State),
pad(Stream, Len - End, !State).
load_string_utf8_len4_le(Stream, Result, !State) :-
read_int_le(Stream, 4, LenResult, !State),
LenResult = stream.error(Error),
Result = stream.error("", Error)
LenResult = stream.ok(Len),
( if
Len = 0
Result = stream.ok("")
read_utf8_len(Stream, Len, [], Result, !State)