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File Info

Rev. b4fe1a1aa49efbd41c500b38f522ee3af3171fd6
Tamaño 1,401 octetos
Tiempo 2014-12-15 02:24:36
Autor Simon Morgan
Log Message

first commit


tcl/tk interface to audio library
  gui to auctl
  easily reconfigure user interface for other different audio servers
  audio error handler / io error handler

set aud [audio openserver server]

$au errorhandler
$au ioerrorhandler
$au flush
$au sync
$au synchronize
$au closeserver

$au server connectionnumber
$au server vendor
$au server vendorrelease
$au server string
$au server name

$au device count
$au device list
$au device id valuemask
$au device id changablemask
$au device id identifier
$au device id kind
$au device id use
$au device id format
$au device id numtracks
$au device id access
$au device id description
$au device id minsamplerate
$au device id maxsamplerate
$au device id location
$au device id gain
$au device id linemode
$au device id numchildren
$au device id children

$au bucket count
$au bucket list
set id [$au bucket create format tracks access rate samples description]
$au bucket id destroy
$au bucket id valuemask
$au bucket id changablemask
$au bucket id identifier
$au bucket id kind
$au bucket id use
$au bucket id format
$au bucket id numtracks
$au bucket id access
$au bucket id description
$au bucket id samplerate
$au bucket id numsamples
set flow [$au bucket id play dev start samples volume done]
set flow [$au bucket id record dev start samples volume done]

$au flow id volume percent
$au flow id start
$au flow id stop
$au flow id state

$au monitor