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Revisión2cebe6d22af801d7effbd6f7e99f50e60c23d17c (tree)
Tiempo2011-09-25 02:01:33
Autorunknown <shira@.(no...>

Log Message

rearrange main dungeon

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--- a/dat/dungeon.def
+++ b/dat/dungeon.def
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ DUNGEON: "The Dungeons of Doom" "D" (15, 3)
1818 ALIGNMENT: unaligned
1919 BRANCH: "The Gnomish Mines" @ (2, 2)
2020 %REINCARNATION LEVEL: "rogue" "R" @ (11, 0)
21-LEVEL: "oracle" "O" @ (4, 2)
21+LEVEL: "oracle" "O" @ (8, 2)
2222 LEVALIGN: neutral
23-CHAINBRANCH: "Sokoban" "oracle" + (1, 0) up
24-RNDLEVEL: "bigrm" "B" @ (7, 2) 40 5
25-CHAINBRANCH: "The Quest" "oracle" + (5, 0) portal
23+CHAINBRANCH: "Sokoban" "oracle" + (-1, 0) up
24+RNDLEVEL: "bigrm" "B" @ (6, 2) 40 5
25+CHAINBRANCH: "The Quest" "oracle" + (3, 0) portal
2626 BRANCH: "Fort Ludios" @ (11, 2) portal
2727 RNDLEVEL: "medusa" "none" @ (-3, 2) 2
2828 LEVALIGN: chaotic