Filename | Tamaño | Tiempo | Download count | | 29.43 k | 2022-07-07 21:42:58 | 38 | | 56.65 k | 2022-07-07 21:42:58 | 40 |
Rev. | Tiempo | Autor | Mensaje RSS |
7e5717cd | 2022-07-19 13:13:50 | IWAMOTO Kouichi | VS2019用プロジェクトファイルを調整 主にWarning消し ・Min... |
4cda337c | 2022-07-07 21:34:10 | IWAMOTO Kouichi | Initial commit. |
TTXChangeFontSize -- Change font size Feature: Change font size. Description: Menu ID: 58101-58120: Menu No.1 - Menu No.20 58151: Increase font size. 58152: Decrease font size. Example configuration (TERATERM.INI): [Change Font Size] FontSize1 = -15 FontSize2 = -19 Example configuration (KEYBOARD.CNF): [User] ; Control-1 -> Increase font size. User1=1026,3,58151 ; Control-2 -> Decrease font size. User2=1027,3,58152 Bugs: ToDo:
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