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Commit MetaInfo

Revisiónf42f6559f14dc8cf2f0252456165b11f2d9ef6ca (tree)
Tiempo2014-11-14 09:56:14
AutorKyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab....>
CommiterKyotaro Horiguchi

Log Message

Edit ChangeLogs. Fixed some misspellings.

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--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
1+2014-11-13 Kyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2+ * pg_dbms_stats.c: Fixed a bug that locked statistics won't be
3+ effective when accessing tables without select privilege via
4+ views.
5+ On the current implement, when planner requested the statistics
6+ for a column, pg_dbms_stats takes it from the dummy statistics
7+ tables via views which gives stats only of columns that the
8+ current user can SELECT.
9+ Under that way it works, pg_dbms_stats cannot read the dummy
10+ statistics of objects invisible from the current user so accessing
11+ such objects via views will done using system statistics, even if
12+ their statistics are locked.
13+ In order to resolve the problem, privileges for the dummy stats
14+ tables and the user under which pg_dbms_stats accesses them are
15+ changed.
117 2014-11-06 Kyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
218 * pg_dbms_stats.control: Correct default_version.
@@ -13,7 +29,7 @@
1329 intermediate 0x00 byte and identical lower bytes (for the little
1430 endian case). Returning the wrong statistics cache can result in
1531 server crash, or at least unexpected plans.
16- * pg_dbms_stats-1.3.3.sql: Lock granurality for pg_dbms_stats's
32+ * pg_dbms_stats-1.3.3.sql: Lock granularity for pg_dbms_stats's
1733 operations was raised. Simultaneous lock operations on different
1834 tables no longer block each other.
@@ -38,7 +54,7 @@
3955 * Added clean_up_stats() function, which erases all saved
4056 statistics left alone after deleting tables before unlocking
41- staistics.
57+ statistics.
4359 2013-11-07 Kyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
4460 * First published version.
--- a/ChangeLog.ja
+++ b/ChangeLog.ja
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
1+2014-11-13 Kyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2+ * pg_dbms_stats.c: 権限をもたないテーブルにアクセス可能なビューを通
3+ してアクセスした際に、そのテーブルの統計情報をロックしていてもシス
4+ テムの統計情報が利用される問題を修正しています。
6+ 現在の実装ではプランナがカラムの統計情報を要求してきた際に
7+ pg_dbms_stats は現在のユーザがSELECT権限を持っているカラムについて
8+ のみ値を返すビューを通して統計情報を取得しているため、自身がSELECT
9+ 権限を持たないテーブルにビューを通してアクセスした場合は統計情報ロッ
10+ クが働きません。その解決のためダミー統計情報テーブルの権限とそこへ
11+ のアクセスの仕方を変更しています。
113 2014-09-16 Kyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
214 * pg_dbms_stats.c: 内部の統計情報キャッシュでテーブルの継承状態を正
315 しく扱っていなかったバグを修正しました。この問題により継承テーブル
--- a/README.installcheck
+++ b/README.installcheck
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
11 Preparation for make installcheck
33 1. Install pg_dbms_stats into the target binary tree. Make sure to
4- prpare the PATH environment variable properly to execute the right
4+ prepare the PATH environment variable properly to execute the right
55 pg_config for the version of target PostgreSQL server.
77 postgres$ which pg_config
--- a/pg_dbms_stats.c
+++ b/pg_dbms_stats.c
@@ -1409,12 +1409,12 @@ init_rel_stats_entry(StatsRelationEntry *entry, Oid relid)
14091409 * the attribute widths for estimation purposes.
14101410 *
14111411 * Note: This function is copied from plancat.c in core source tree of version
1412- * 9.2, and customized for pg_dbms_stats. Changes from orignal one are:
1412+ * 9.2, and customized for pg_dbms_stats. Changes from original one are:
14131413 * - rename by prefixing dbms_stats_
14141414 * - add 3 parameters (relpages, reltuples, curpage) to pass dummy curpage
14151415 * values.
14161416 * - Get current # of pages only when supplied curpages is InvalidBlockNumber
1417- * - get franction of all-visible-pages
1417+ * - get fraction of all-visible-pages
14181418 */
14191419 static void
14201420 dbms_stats_estimate_rel_size(Relation rel, int32 *attr_widths,