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Commit MetaInfo

Revisión96d6745fe4dd110d2f23e3811e36c798a75dd2a7 (tree)
Tiempo2019-12-20 04:28:08
AutorGavin Corkery <gavincorkery@goog...>
CommiterGavin Corkery

Log Message

Store crashing process name in sysprop

As part of Watchdog-triggered rollback logging, it would
be useful to know the service which has caused
updatable_crashing to be set. Store this in a new property

Test: manual
Bug: 146415463
Change-Id: Iffa38b2b746abbb5d823a8d69b7b8d2456836f4e
Merged-In: Iffa38b2b746abbb5d823a8d69b7b8d2456836f4e
(cherry picked from commit 5d0deb563d252ab41ea9fc0107477a6b738afbb9)

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

--- a/init/service.cpp
+++ b/init/service.cpp
@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ void Service::Reap(const siginfo_t& siginfo) {
387387 LOG(ERROR) << "updatable process '" << name_ << "' exited 4 times "
388388 << (boot_completed ? "in 4 minutes" : "before boot completed");
389389 // Notifies update_verifier and apexd
390+ property_set("ro.init.updatable_crashing_process_name", name_);
390391 property_set("ro.init.updatable_crashing", "1");
391392 }
392393 }