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Commit MetaInfo

Revisiónc169a5abb0f02f31949d142b81687f4b6c6fc750 (tree)
Tiempo2017-09-09 21:03:07
Autorumorigu <umorigu@gmai...>

Log Message

BugTrack/184 Save user's "name" for commenting

* Target plugin: comment, pcomment, article and bugtrack
* Save user's name in localStorage of Web browser

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--- a/skin/main.js
+++ b/skin/main.js
@@ -5,8 +5,99 @@
55 // License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version
66 //
77 // PukiWiki JavaScript client script
8-if (window.addEventListener) {
9- window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
8+window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
9+ // Name for comment
10+ function setYourName() {
11+ var NAME_KEY_ID = 'pukiwiki_comment_plugin_name';
12+ var actionPathname = null;
13+ function getPathname(formAction) {
14+ if (actionPathname) return actionPathname;
15+ try {
16+ var u = new URL(formAction, document.location);
17+ var u2 = new URL('./', u);
18+ actionPathname = u2.pathname;
19+ return u2.pathname;
20+ } catch (e) {
21+ // Note: Internet Explorer doesn't support URL class
22+ var m = formAction.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/([^\?&]+\/)?)/);
23+ if (m) {
24+ actionPathname = m[2]; // pathname
25+ } else {
26+ actionPathname = '/';
27+ }
28+ return actionPathname;
29+ }
30+ }
31+ function getNameKey(form) {
32+ var pathname = getPathname(form.action);
33+ var key = 'path.' + pathname + '.' + NAME_KEY_ID;
34+ return key;
35+ }
36+ function isEmpty(s) {
37+ if (s.match(/^\s*$/)) {
38+ return true;
39+ }
40+ return false;
41+ }
42+ function getForm(element) {
43+ if (element.form && element.form.tagName === 'FORM' && false) {
44+ return element.form;
45+ }
46+ var e = element.parentElement;
47+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
48+ if (e.tagName === 'FORM') {
49+ return e;
50+ }
51+ e = e.parentElement;
52+ }
53+ return null;
54+ }
55+ function handleCommentPlugin(form) {
56+ var namePrevious = '';
57+ var nameKey = getNameKey(form);
58+ if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
59+ namePrevious = localStorage[nameKey];
60+ }
61+ var onFocusForm = function () {
62+ if (form.name && !form.name.value && namePrevious) {
63+ form.name.value = namePrevious;
64+ }
65+ };
66+ var addOnForcusForm = function(eNullable) {
67+ if (!eNullable) return;
68+ var e = eNullable;
69+ e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener('focus', onFocusForm);
70+ }
71+ if (namePrevious) {
72+ var textList = form.querySelectorAll('input[type=text],textarea');
73+ textList.forEach(function (v) {
74+ addOnForcusForm(v);
75+ });
76+ }
77+ form.addEventListener('submit', function(evt) {
78+ if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
79+ localStorage[nameKey] = form.name.value;
80+ }
81+ }, false);
82+ }
83+ function setNameForComment() {
84+ if (!document.querySelectorAll) return;
85+ var elements = document.querySelectorAll(
86+ 'input[type=hidden][name=plugin][value=comment],' +
87+ 'input[type=hidden][name=plugin][value=pcomment],' +
88+ 'input[type=hidden][name=plugin][value=article],' +
89+ 'input[type=hidden][name=plugin][value=bugtrack]');
90+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
91+ var form = getForm(elements[i]);
92+ if (form) {
93+ handleCommentPlugin(form)
94+ }
95+ }
96+ }
97+ setNameForComment();
98+ }
99+ // AutoTicketLink
100+ function autoTicketLink() {
10101 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf || !document.createDocumentFragment) {
11102 return;
12103 }
@@ -149,5 +240,7 @@ if (window.addEventListener) {
149240 }
150241 var target = document.getElementById('body');
151242 walkElement(target);
152- });
243+ }
244+ setYourName();
245+ autoTicketLink();