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Commit MetaInfo

Revisióncd4a724b8cf2dec6a0fac422847d6e13a75f39d6 (tree)
Tiempo2022-01-24 02:06:34
Autorhai-fun <haifun129@gmai...>

Log Message

v1.5, author: sonots

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

--- /dev/null
+++ b/votex.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
3+ * Yet Another Vote Plugin eXtension
4+ *
5+ * @author sonots
6+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL v2
7+ * @link http://lsx.sourceforge.jp/?Plugin%2Fvotex.inc.php
8+ * @version $Id: votex.inc.php,v 1.5 2007-06-05 13:23:20Z sonots $
9+ * @package plugin
10+ */
13+ * votex plugin class
14+ *
15+ * @author sonots
16+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL2
17+ * @link http://lsx.sourceforge.jp/?Plugin%2Fvotex
18+ */
19+class PluginVotex
21+ function PluginVotex()
22+ {
23+ // static
24+ static $CONF = array();
25+ $this->CONF = &$CONF;
26+ if (empty($this->CONF)) {
27+ $this->CONF['RECENT_PAGE'] = 'RecentVotes';
28+ $this->CONF['RECENT_LOG'] = CACHE_DIR . 'recentvotes.dat';
29+ $this->CONF['RECENT_LIMIT'] = 100;
30+ $this->CONF['COOKIE_EXPIRED'] = 60*60*24*3;
31+ $this->CONF['BARCHART_LIB_FILE'] = LIB_DIR . 'barchart.cls.php';
32+ $this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BAR'] = ' #0000cc';
33+ $this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BG'] = 'transparent';
34+ $this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BORDER'] = 'transparent';
35+ }
36+ static $default_options = array();
37+ $this->default_options = &$default_options;
38+ if (empty($this->default_options)) {
39+ $this->default_options['readonly'] = FALSE;
40+ $this->default_options['addchoice'] = FALSE;
41+ $this->default_options['barchart'] = FALSE;
42+ }
44+ // init
45+ $this->options = $this->default_options;
46+ if (function_exists('textdomain')) {
47+ textdomain('vote'); // use i18n msgs of vote.inc.php
48+ }
49+ }
51+ // static
52+ var $CONF;
53+ var $default_options;
54+ // var
55+ var $options;
57+ /**
58+ * Action Plugin Main Function
59+ * @static
60+ */
61+ function action()
62+ {
63+ global $vars;
64+ if ($vars['pcmd'] === 'inline') {
65+ return $this->action_inline();
66+ } else {
67+ return $this->action_convert();
68+ }
69+ }
71+ /**
72+ * POST action via inline plugin
73+ */
74+ function action_inline()
75+ {
76+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
77+ $_title_collided = _('On updating $1, a collision has occurred.');
78+ $_title_updated = _('$1 was updated');
79+ $_msg_collided = _('It seems that someone has already updated this page while you were editing it.<br />
80+ + is placed at the beginning of a line that was newly added.<br />
81+ ! is placed at the beginning of a line that has possibly been updated.<br />
82+ Edit those lines, and submit again.');
84+ if (method_exists('auth', 'check_role')) { // Plus!
85+ if (auth::check_role('readonly')) die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing');
86+ } else {
87+ if (PKWK_READONLY) die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing');
88+ }
90+ $page = isset($vars['refer']) ? $vars['refer'] : $defaultpage;
91+ $pcmd = $vars['pcmd'];
92+ $vote_id = $vars['vote_id'];
93+ $vars['page'] = $page;
94+ $choice_id = $vars['choice_id'];
96+ if ($this->is_continuous_vote($page, $pcmd, $vote_id)) {
97+ return array(
98+ 'msg' => _('Error in vote'),
99+ 'body' => _('Continuation vote cannot be performed.'),
100+ );
101+ }
103+ // parse contents of wiki page and get update
104+ $lines = get_source($page);
105+ list($linenum, $newline, $newtext, $newvotes) = $this->get_update_inline($lines, $vote_id, $choice_id);
106+ if ($linenum === false) {
107+ die_message(_('There was no matching vote. '));
108+ }
109+ $newlines = $lines;
110+ $newlines[$linenum] = $newline;
111+ $newcontents = implode('', $newlines);
113+ // collision check
114+ $contents = implode('', $lines);
115+ if (md5($contents) !== $vars['digest']) {
116+ $msg = $_title_collided;
117+ $body = $this->show_preview_form($_msg_collided, $newline);
118+ return array('msg'=>$msg, 'body'=>$body);
119+ }
121+ page_write($page, $newcontents, TRUE); // notimestamp
122+ $this->update_recent_voted($page, $pcmd, $vote_id, $choice_id, $newvotes);
123+ //static in convert() was somehow wierd if return(msg=>'',body=>'');
124+ //$msg = $_title_updated;
125+ //$body = '';
126+ //return array('msg'=>$msg, 'body'=>$body);
127+ $anchor = $this->get_anchor($pcmd, $vote_id);
128+ header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?' . rawurlencode($page) . '#' . $anchor);
129+ exit;
130+ }
132+ /**
133+ * POST action via convert plugin
134+ */
135+ function action_convert()
136+ {
137+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
138+ $_title_collided = _('On updating $1, a collision has occurred.');
139+ $_title_updated = _('$1 was updated');
140+ $_msg_collided = _('It seems that someone has already updated this page while you were editing it.<br />
141+ + is placed at the beginning of a line that was newly added.<br />
142+ ! is placed at the beginning of a line that has possibly been updated.<br />
143+ Edit those lines, and submit again.');
145+ if (method_exists('auth', 'check_role')) { // Plus!
146+ if (auth::check_role('readonly')) die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing');
147+ } else {
148+ if (PKWK_READONLY) die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing');
149+ }
151+ $page = isset($vars['refer']) ? $vars['refer'] : $defaultpage;
152+ $pcmd = $vars['pcmd'];
153+ $vote_id = $vars['vote_id'];
154+ $vars['page'] = $page;
155+ $choice_id = $this->get_selected_choice_convert();
156+ $addchoice = isset($vars['addchoice']) && $vars['addchoice'] !== ''
157+ ? $vars['addchoice'] : null;
159+ if ($this->is_continuous_vote($page, $pcmd, $vote_id)) {
160+ return array(
161+ 'msg' => _('Error in vote'),
162+ 'body' => _('Continuation vote cannot be performed.'),
163+ );
164+ }
166+ // parse contents of wiki page and get update
167+ $lines = get_source($page);
168+ list($linenum, $newline, $newtext, $newvotes) = $this->get_update_convert($lines, $vote_id, $choice_id, $addchoice);
169+ if ($linenum === false) {
170+ die_message(_('There was no matching vote. '));
171+ }
172+ $newlines = $lines;
173+ $newlines[$linenum] = $newline;
174+ $newcontents = implode('', $newlines);
176+ // collision check
177+ $contents = implode('', $lines);
178+ if (md5($contents) !== $vars['digest']) {
179+ $msg = $_title_collided;
180+ $body = $this->show_preview_form($_msg_collided, $newline);
181+ return array('msg'=>$msg, 'body'=>$body);
182+ }
184+ page_write($page, $newcontents, TRUE); // notimestamp
185+ if (isset($addchoice)) $choice_id = count($newvotes) - 1; // to make sure
186+ $this->update_recent_voted($page, $pcmd, $vote_id, $choice_id, $newvotes);
187+ //static in convert() was somehow wierd if return(msg=>'',body=>'');
188+ //$msg = $_title_updated;
189+ //$body = '';
190+ //return array('msg'=>$msg, 'body'=>$body);
191+ $anchor = $this->get_anchor($pcmd, $vote_id);
192+ header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?' . rawurlencode($page) . '#' . $anchor);
193+ exit;
194+ }
196+ /**
197+ * Update Vote for inline plugin
198+ *
199+ * @param array &$lines
200+ * @param integer $vote_id
201+ * @parram string $choice_id
202+ * @return array array($linenum, $updated_line, $updated_text, $updated_votes)
203+ */
204+ function get_update_inline(&$lines, $vote_id, $choice_id)
205+ {
206+ $contents = implode('', $lines);
208+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
209+ $page = isset($vars['refer']) ? $vars['refer'] : $defaultpage;
211+ $ic = new InlineConverter(array('plugin'));
212+ $vote_count = 0;
213+ foreach ($lines as $linenum => $line) {
214+ if (strpos($line, ' ') === 0) continue; // skip pre
215+ $inlines = $ic->get_objects($line, $page);
216+ $pos = 0;
217+ foreach ($inlines as $inline) {
218+ if ($inline->name !== 'votex') continue;
219+ $pos = strpos($line, '&votex', $pos);
220+ if ($vote_id > $vote_count++) {
221+ $pos++;
222+ } else {
223+ $l_remain = substr($line, 0, $pos);
224+ $r_remain = substr($line, $pos + strlen($inline->text));
225+ $arg = $inline->param;
226+ $body = $inline->body;
227+ $args = csv_explode(',', $arg);
228+ list($votes, $options) = $this->parse_args_inline($args, $this->default_options);
229+ if ($options['readonly']) return array(false, false, false, false);
231+ foreach ($votes as $i => $vote) {
232+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
233+ if ($i == $choice_id) {
234+ ++$count;
235+ $votes[$i] = array($choice, $count);
236+ }
237+ }
238+ $new_args = $this->restore_args_inline($votes, $options, $this->default_options);
239+ $new_arg = csv_implode(',', $new_args);
240+ $body = ($body != '') ? '{' . $body . '};' : ';';
241+ $newtext = '&votex(' . $new_arg . ')' . $body;
242+ $newline = $l_remain . $newtext . $r_remain;
243+ return array($linenum, $newline, $newtext, $votes);
244+ }
245+ }
246+ }
247+ return array(false, false, false, false);
248+ }
250+ /**
251+ * Update Vote for convert plugin
252+ *
253+ * @param array &$lines
254+ * @param integer $vote_id
255+ * @parram string $choice_id
256+ * @param string $addchoice
257+ * @return array array($linenum, $updated_line, $updated_text, $updated_votes)
258+ */
259+ function get_update_convert(&$lines, $vote_id, $choice_id, $addchoice = null)
260+ {
261+ $vote_count = 0;
262+ foreach($lines as $linenum => $line) {
263+ $matches = array();
264+ if (preg_match('/^#votex(?:\((.*)\)(.*))?$/i', $line, $matches)
265+ && $vote_id == $vote_count++) {
267+ $args = csv_explode(',', $matches[1]);
268+ $remain = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
269+ list($votes, $options) = $this->parse_args_convert($args, $this->default_options);
270+ if ($options['readonly']) return array(false, false, false, false);
272+ if (isset($addchoice)) {
273+ $votes[] = array($addchoice, 1);
274+ } elseif (isset($votes[$choice_id])) {
275+ list($choice, $count) = $votes[$choice_id];
276+ $votes[$choice_id] = array($choice, $count + 1);
277+ }
278+ $new_args = $this->restore_args_convert($votes, $options, $this->default_options);
279+ $new_arg = csv_implode(',', $new_args);
280+ $newtext = '#votex(' . $new_arg . ')';
281+ $newline = $newtext . $remain . "\n";
282+ return array($linenum, $newline, $newtext, $votes);
283+ }
284+ }
285+ return array(false, false, false, false);
286+ }
288+ /**
289+ * Get the selected choice id
290+ *
291+ * @global $vars;
292+ * @return string $choice_id
293+ * @uses decode_choice()
294+ */
295+ function get_selected_choice_convert()
296+ {
297+ global $vars;
298+ $choice_id = false;
299+ foreach ($vars as $key => $val) {
300+ if (strpos($key, 'choice_') === 0) {
301+ $choice_id = $this->decode_choice($key);
302+ break;
303+ }
304+ }
305+ return $choice_id;
306+ }
308+ /**
309+ * Recent Voted
310+ *
311+ * @param string $page voted page
312+ * @param string $pcmd convert or inline
313+ * @param integer $vote_id
314+ * @param integer $choice_id
315+ * @param array $votes
316+ * @return void
317+ */
318+ function update_recent_voted($page, $pcmd, $vote_id, $choice_id, $votes)
319+ {
320+ $limit = max(0, $this->CONF['RECENT_LIMIT']);
321+ $time = UTIME;
323+ // RecentVoted
324+ $lines = get_source($this->CONF['RECENT_PAGE']);
325+ $anchor = $this->get_anchor($pcmd, $vote_id);
326+ $args = array();
327+ foreach ($votes as $vote) {
328+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
329+ $args[] = $choice . '[' . $count . ']';
330+ }
331+ $arg = csv_implode(',', $args);
332+ list($choice, $count) = $votes[$choice_id];
333+ $addline =
334+ '-' . format_date($time) .
335+ ' - [[' . $page . '#' . $vote_id . '>' . $page . '#' . $anchor . ']] ' .
336+ $choice .
337+ ' (' . $arg . ')' .
338+ "\n";
339+ array_unshift($lines, $addline);
340+ $lines = array_splice($lines, 0, $limit);
341+ page_write($this->CONF['RECENT_PAGE'], implode('', $lines));
343+ // recentvoted.dat (serialization)
344+ if (is_readable($this->CONF['RECENT_LOG'])) {
345+ $log_contents = file_get_contents($this->CONF['RECENT_LOG']);
346+ $logs = unserialize($log_contents);
347+ } else {
348+ $logs = array();
349+ }
350+ $addlog = array($time, $page, $pcmd, $vote_id, $choice_id, $votes);
351+ array_unshift($logs, $addlog);
352+ $logs = array_splice($logs, 0, $limit);
353+ file_put_contents($this->CONF['RECENT_LOG'], serialize($logs));
354+ }
356+ /**
357+ * Check if a continuous vote
358+ *
359+ * @param string $page
360+ * @param string $pcmd convert or inline
361+ * @param integer $vote_id vote form id
362+ * @return boolean true if if is a continuous vote
363+ * @global $_COOKIE
364+ * @global $_SERVER
365+ * @vars $CONF 'COOKIE_EXPIRED'
366+ */
367+ function is_continuous_vote($page, $pcmd, $vote_id)
368+ {
369+ $cmd = 'votex';
370+ $votedkey = $cmd . '_' . $pcmd . '_' . $page . '_' . $vote_id;
371+ if (isset($_COOKIE[$votedkey])) {
372+ return true;
373+ }
374+ $_COOKIE[$votedkey] = 1;
375+ $matches = array();
376+ preg_match('!(.*/)!', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches);
377+ setcookie($votedkey, 1, time()+$this->CONF['COOKIE_EXPIRED'], $matches[0]);
378+ return false;
379+ }
381+ /**
382+ * Get Preview Form HTML (for when collision occured)
383+ *
384+ * @param string $msg message
385+ * @param string $body
386+ * @return string
387+ */
388+ function show_preview_form($msg = '', $body = '')
389+ {
390+ global $vars, $rows, $cols;
391+ $s_refer = htmlspecialchars($vars['refer']);
392+ $s_digest = htmlspecialchars($vars['digest']);
393+ $s_body = htmlspecialchars($body);
394+ $form = '';
395+ $form .= $msg . "\n";
396+ $form .= '<form action="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=preview" method="post">' . "\n";
397+ $form .= '<div>' . "\n";
398+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="refer" value="' . $s_refer . '" />' . "\n";
399+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="digest" value="' . $s_digest . '" />' . "\n";
400+ $form .= ' <textarea name="msg" rows="' . $rows . '" cols="' . $cols . '" id="textarea">' . $s_body . '</textarea><br />' . "\n";
401+ $form .= '</div>' . "\n";
402+ $form .= '</form>' . "\n";
403+ return $form;
404+ }
406+ /**
407+ * Get anchor
408+ *
409+ * @param $pcmd
410+ * @param $vote_id
411+ */
412+ function get_anchor($pcmd = 'convert', $vote_id = 0)
413+ {
414+ return rawurlencode('vote_' . $pcmd . '_' . $vote_id);
415+ }
417+ /**
418+ * Inline Plugin Main Function
419+ * @static
420+ */
421+ function inline()
422+ {
423+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
424+ static $number = array();
426+ $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage;
427+ if (! isset($number[$page])) $number[$page] = 0; // Init
428+ $vote_id = $number[$page]++;
430+ $args = func_get_args();
431+ array_pop($args); // drop {}
432+ list($votes, $this->options) = $this->parse_args_inline($args, $this->default_options);
434+ $form = $this->get_vote_form_inline($votes, $vote_id);
435+ return $form;
436+ }
438+ /**
439+ * Get Vote Form HTML for inline plugin
440+ *
441+ * @static
442+ * @param array $vote
443+ * @param integer $vote_id vote form id
444+ * @global $vars
445+ * @global $vars['page']
446+ * @global $defaultpage
447+ * @global $digest
448+ * @var $options 'readonly'
449+ * @uses get_script_uri()
450+ * @return string
451+ */
452+ function get_vote_form_inline($votes, $vote_id)
453+ {
454+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
455+ global $digest;
456+ $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage;
457+ $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
458+ $r_digest = rawurlencode($digest);
459+ $r_vote_id = rawurlencode($vote_id);
460+ $anchor = $this->get_anchor('inline', $vote_id);
462+ $form = '';
463+ $form .= '<span class="votex">';
464+ $form .= '<a name="' . $anchor . '" id="' . $anchor . '"></a>';
465+ foreach ($votes as $choice_id => $vote) {
466+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
467+ $r_choice_id = rawurlencode($choice_id);
468+ $r_choice = rawurlencode($choice);
469+ $r_count = rawurlencode($count);
470+ $s_choice = htmlspecialchars($choice);
471+ $s_count = htmlspecialchars($count);
472+ if ($this->options['readonly']) {
473+ $form .= $s_choice . '<span>&nbsp;' . $s_count . '&nbsp;</span>';
474+ } else {
475+ $form .=
476+ '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=votex' .
477+ '&amp;pcmd=inline' .
478+ '&amp;refer=' . $r_page .
479+ '&amp;digest=' . $r_digest .
480+ '&amp;vote_id=' . $r_vote_id .
481+ '&amp;choice_id=' . $r_choice_id .
482+ '">' . $s_choice . '</a>' .
483+ '<span>&nbsp;' . $s_count . '&nbsp;</span>';
484+ }
485+ }
486+ $form .= '</span>' . "\n";
487+ return $form;
488+ }
490+ /**
491+ * Block Plugin Main Function
492+ * @static
493+ */
494+ function convert()
495+ {
496+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
497+ static $number = array();
499+ $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage;
500+ if (! isset($number[$page])) $number[$page] = 0; // Init
501+ $vote_id = $number[$page]++;
503+ $args = func_get_args();
504+ list($votes, $this->options) = $this->parse_args_convert($args, $this->default_options);
506+ $form = $this->get_vote_form_convert($votes, $vote_id);
507+ return $form;
508+ }
510+ /**
511+ * Restore Arguments of inline plugin
512+ *
513+ * @param array &$votes
514+ * @param array &$options
515+ * @return array &$args
516+ */
517+ function &restore_args_inline(&$votes, &$options, &$default_options)
518+ {
519+ // currently same
520+ return $this->restore_args_convert($votes, $options, &$default_options);
521+ }
523+ /**
524+ * Parse Arguemnts of inline plugin
525+ *
526+ * @param array &$args arguments
527+ * @param array &$default_options default_options
528+ * @return array $votes id => array($choice[id], $count[id])
529+ * @return array $options
530+ */
531+ function parse_args_inline(&$args, &$default_options)
532+ {
533+ // currently same
534+ return $this->parse_args_convert($args, $default_options);
535+ }
537+ /**
538+ * Restore Arguments of convert plugin
539+ *
540+ * @param array &$votes
541+ * @param array &$options
542+ * @param array &$default_options
543+ * @return array &$args
544+ */
545+ function &restore_args_convert(&$votes, &$options, &$default_options)
546+ {
547+ $vote_args = array();
548+ foreach ($votes as $vote) {
549+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
550+ $vote_args[] = $choice . '[' . $count . ']';
551+ }
552+ $opt_args = array();
553+ foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
554+ if ($default_options[$key] !== $val) {
555+ if (is_bool($val)) {
556+ $opt_args[] = $key; // currently supports only on
557+ } else {
558+ $opt_args[] = $key . '=' . $val;
559+ }
560+ }
561+ }
562+ $args = array_merge($vote_args, $opt_args);
563+ return $args;
564+ }
566+ /**
567+ * Parse Arguemnts of convert plugin
568+ *
569+ * @param array &$args arguments
570+ * @param array &$default_options default_options
571+ * @return array $votes id => array($choice[id], $count[id])
572+ * @return array $options
573+ */
574+ function parse_args_convert(&$args, &$default_options)
575+ {
576+ $votes = array();
577+ $options = $default_options;
578+ foreach ($args as $arg) {
579+ $arg = trim($arg);
580+ list($key, $val) = array_pad(explode('=', $arg, 2), 2, TRUE);
581+ if (array_key_exists($key, $options)) {
582+ $options[$key] = $val;
583+ continue;
584+ }
585+ $matches = array();
586+ $choice = $arg;
587+ $count = 0;
588+ if (preg_match('/^(.+)\[(\d+)\]$/', $arg, $matches)) {
589+ $choice = $matches[1];
590+ $count = $matches[2];
591+ }
592+ $votes[] = array($choice, $count);
593+ }
594+ if ($options['barchart']) {
595+ require_once($this->CONF['BARCHART_LIB_FILE']);
596+ }
597+ return array($votes, $options);
598+ }
600+ /**
601+ * Decode choice key
602+ *
603+ * @param string $choice_key
604+ * @return integer $id
605+ */
606+ function decode_choice($choice_key)
607+ {
608+ list($prefix, $id) = explode('_', $choice_key, 2);
609+ if ($prefix !== 'choice') return false;
610+ return $id;
611+ }
613+ /**
614+ * Encode choice to key
615+ *
616+ * @param integer $id
617+ * @return string
618+ */
619+ function encode_choice($id)
620+ {
621+ return 'choice_' . $id;
622+ }
624+ /**
625+ * Get Vote Form HTML for convert plugin
626+ *
627+ * @static
628+ * @param array $votes
629+ * @param integer $vote_id vote form id
630+ * @global $vars
631+ * @global $vars['page']
632+ * @global $defaultpage
633+ * @global $digest
634+ * @var $options 'readonly'
635+ * @var $options 'addchoice'
636+ * @var $options 'barchart'
637+ * @uses get_script_uri()
638+ * @return string
639+ */
640+ function get_vote_form_convert($votes, $vote_id)
641+ {
642+ $choice_label = _('Selection');
643+ $vote_label = _('Vote');
644+ $vote_button = _('Vote');
645+ $add_button = _('Vote'); // _('Add');
647+ // Initilization
648+ global $vars, $defaultpage;
649+ global $digest;
650+ $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage;
651+ $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page);
652+ $s_digest = htmlspecialchars($digest);
653+ $script = ($this->options['readonly']) ? '' : get_script_uri();
654+ $submit = ($this->options['readonly']) ? 'hidden' : 'submit';
655+ $choicestyle = 'padding-left:1em;padding-right:1em;';
656+ $countstyle = (($this->options['barchart']) ? 'width:120px;' : '') . 'padding-right:1em;';
657+ $buttonstyle = ($this->options['readonly']) ? 'display:none;' : '';
658+ $anchor = $this->get_anchor('convert', $vote_id);
660+ // Init barchart
661+ if ($this->options['barchart']) {
662+ $barchart = new BARCHART(0, 0, 100);
663+ $barchart->setColorCompound($this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BAR']);
664+ $barchart->setColorBg($this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BG']);
665+ $barchart->setColorBorder($this->CONF['BARCHART_COLOR_BORDER']);
667+ $sum = 0; $max = 0; $argmax = 0;
668+ foreach ($votes as $choice_id => $vote) {
669+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
670+ $sum += $count;
671+ if ($max < $count) {
672+ $max = $count;
673+ $argmax = $choice_id;
674+ }
675+ }
676+ }
678+ // Header
679+ $form = '';
680+ $form .= '<form class="votex" action="' . $script . '" method="post">' . "\n";
681+ $form .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="style_table" summary="vote">' . "\n";
682+ $form .= ' <tr>' . "\n";
683+ $form .= ' <td align="left" class="vote_label" style="' . $choicestyle . '"><strong>' . $choice_label . '</strong>' . "\n";
684+ $form .= ' <a name="' . $anchor . '" id="' . $anchor . '"></a>' . "\n";
685+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="votex" />' . "\n";
686+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="pcmd" value="convert" />' . "\n";
687+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="refer" value="' . $s_page . '" />' . "\n";
688+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="vote_id" value="' . $vote_id . '" />' . "\n";
689+ $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="digest" value="' . $s_digest . '" />' . "\n";
690+ $form .= ' </td>' . "\n";
691+ $form .= ' <td align="right" class="vote_label" style="' . $countstyle . '"><strong>' . $vote_label . '</strong></td>' . "\n";
692+ $form .= ' <td align="right" class="vote_label" style="' . $buttonstyle . '"></td>' . "\n";
693+ $form .= ' </tr>' . "\n";
695+ // Body
696+ foreach ($votes as $choice_id => $vote) {
697+ list($choice, $count) = $vote;
698+ $class = ($choice_id % 2) ? 'vote_td1' : 'vote_td2';
699+ $s_choice = make_link($choice);
700+ $s_count = htmlspecialchars($count);
701+ $choice_key = $this->encode_choice($choice_id);
702+ if ($this->options['barchart']) {
703+ $percent = (int)(($count / $max) * 100); // / $sum
704+ $barchart->setCurrPoint($percent);
705+ $barchart->setStrAfterBar('&nbsp;' . $s_count);
706+ $s_count = $barchart->getBar();
707+ }
708+ $form .= ' <tr>' . "\n";
709+ $form .= ' <td align="left" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $choicestyle . '">' . $s_choice . '</td>' . "\n";
710+ $form .= ' <td align="right" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $countstyle . '">' . $s_count . '</td>' . "\n";
711+ $form .= ' <td align="right" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $buttonstyle . '">' . "\n";
712+ $form .= ' <input type="' . $submit . '" name="' . $choice_key . '" value="' . $vote_button . '" class="submit" />' . "\n";
713+ $form .= ' </td>' . "\n";
714+ $form .= ' </tr>' . "\n";
715+ }
717+ // add choice
718+ if ($this->options['addchoice']) {
719+ $choice_id++;
720+ $class = ($choice_id % 2) ? 'vote_td1' : 'vote_td2';
721+ $choice_key = $this->encode_choice($choice_id);
722+ $form .= ' <tr>' . "\n";
723+ $form .= ' <td colspan="2" align="left" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $choicestyle . '">' . "\n";
724+ $form .= ' <input type="text" size="40" name="addchoice" value="" />' . "\n";
725+ $form .= ' </td>' . "\n";
726+ $form .= ' <td align="right" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $buttonstyle . '">' . "\n";
727+ $form .= ' <input type="' . $submit . '" name="' . $choice_key . '" value="' . $add_button . '" class="submit" />' . "\n";
728+ $form .= ' </td>' . "\n";
729+ $form .= ' </tr>' . "\n";
730+ }
732+ // Footer
733+ $form .= '</table>' . "\n";
734+ $form .= '</form>' . "\n";
736+ return $form;
737+ }
740+///////////////////// PHP Adapter
741+if (! function_exists('_')) {
742+ function &_($str)
743+ {
744+ return $str;
745+ }
747+if (! function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
748+ if (! defined('FILE_APPEND'))
749+ define('FILE_APPEND', 8);
750+ if (! defined('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH'))
751+ define('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH', 1);
752+ function file_put_contents($filename, $data, $flags = 0)
753+ {
754+ $mode = ($flags & FILE_APPEND) ? 'a' : 'w';
755+ $fp = fopen($filename, $mode);
756+ if ($fp === false) {
757+ return false;
758+ }
759+ if (is_array($data)) $data = implode('', $data);
760+ if ($flags & LOCK_EX) flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
761+ $bytes = fwrite($fp, $data);
762+ if ($flags & LOCK_EX) flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
763+ fclose($fp);
764+ return $bytes;
765+ }
769+function plugin_votex_init()
771+ global $plugin_votex_name;
772+ if (class_exists('PluginVotexUnitTest')) {
773+ $plugin_votex_name = 'PluginVotexUnitTest';
774+ } elseif (class_exists('PluginVotexUser')) {
775+ $plugin_votex_name = 'PluginVotexUser';
776+ } else {
777+ $plugin_votex_name = 'PluginVotex';
778+ }
781+function plugin_votex_action()
783+ global $plugin_votex, $plugin_votex_name;
784+ $plugin_votex = new $plugin_votex_name();
785+ return $plugin_votex->action();
788+function plugin_votex_convert()
790+ global $plugin_votex, $plugin_votex_name;
791+ $plugin_votex = new $plugin_votex_name();
792+ $args = func_get_args();
793+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_votex, 'convert'), $args);
796+function plugin_votex_inline()
798+ global $plugin_votex, $plugin_votex_name;
799+ $plugin_votex = new $plugin_votex_name();
800+ $args = func_get_args();
801+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_votex, 'inline'), $args);
804+function plugin_votex_write_after()
806+ global $plugin_votex, $plugin_votex_name;
807+ $plugin_votex = new $plugin_votex_name();
808+ $args = func_get_args();
809+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_votex, 'write_after'), $args);
812+if (! defined('INIT_DIR')) // if not Plus!
813+ if (file_exists(DATA_HOME . 'init/votex.ini.php'))
814+ include_once(DATA_HOME . 'init/votex.ini.php');