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Rev. Tiempo Autor
e2979a27079c tip 2024-04-23 03:50:13 sebastian_bugiu

Removed debugging prints for audio.

57fbcdd7ff20 2024-04-22 19:47:36 sebastian_bugiu

Extracted default doppler factor.

28936a0c9e43 2024-04-22 05:37:40 sebastian_bugiu

Added manually disposing of sounds that have finished playing and are not looping. This probably caused a memory leak since finalize() is not implemented for MASound.

faa552a6cf3e 2024-04-11 04:43:56 sebastian_bugiu

Fixed memory leak for ended sounds remaining in WorldManager because they have been removed from the sound thread before checking whether they still exist.

1399fbd3a712 2024-04-11 01:48:42 sebastian_bugiu

Updated weapon data list to reduce cooldown time and enemy_selection_time to make the action more dynamic and easier to acquire a target.

c5d7810adbbf 2024-04-10 06:59:36 sebastian_bugiu

Updated Playable to also have getName().

9a037d933dd0 2024-04-10 06:34:29 sebastian_bugiu

Doppler effect seems to be working. More tuning needed.

abdeee06eb26 2024-04-10 03:05:15 sebastian_bugiu

Added max sound speed in order to divide entity velocity by its max speed in order to get the range of sound velocity between 0 and 1.

1087391cdbe0 2024-04-09 03:09:56 sebastian_bugiu

Updated to use locally built miniaudio library. Added listenerSetVelocity(). Doppler effect still not working correctly.

a97870c99e6f 2024-04-08 03:42:26 sebastian_bugiu

Working 3D positioning using MiniAudio. Doppler effect seems to add up and mess the sound so it's disabled for now.

735ee2160ab3 2024-04-07 05:44:01 sebastian_bugiu

Adding 3D positioning using MiniAudio.

6d2f5510ae1f 2024-04-07 03:48:22 sebastian_bugiu

Adding 3D positioning using MiniAudio.

1852444b9af7 2024-04-06 08:27:53 sebastian_bugiu

Preparing for addition of MiniAudio with 3D positioning.

5fdb02dfefc6 2024-04-05 02:14:27 sebastian_bugiu

Bugfixes now it works more or less like the previous implementation.

013d8e7a2a9c 2024-04-04 21:43:40 sebastian_bugiu

Adding MiniAudio support in order to have more advanced sound effects like doppler effect.

c09c7a383c40 2024-03-20 02:50:52 sebastian_bugiu

Updated to robovm 2.3.21.

fed872c60d66 2024-02-13 04:44:11 sebastian_bugiu

Code cleanups and small fixes in code that shouldn't be used anymore anyway.

a206a83d4a59 2024-01-29 05:08:45 sebastian_bugiu

Added suppresions.

1649ffcd863b 2024-01-24 06:14:18 sebastian_bugiu

Removed unused import.

b74a9ec86e0d 2024-01-24 05:58:24 sebastian_bugiu

Added more suppressions. Fixed bug with vibration elements in HudManager.

fde6282066bd 2024-01-24 05:12:12 sebastian_bugiu

More suppression. Small bugfix in BaseBusEvent. Deprecated CompositorManager and CompositorInstance.

1d4dd781a51a 2024-01-24 05:04:12 sebastian_bugiu

Adapted from Class to Class<?>.

0c195a9b20fe 2024-01-24 05:02:29 sebastian_bugiu

Optimized using StringBuilder.

0047276a6bf6 2024-01-24 05:00:08 sebastian_bugiu

Using try-with-resources.

20b50d94093b 2024-01-24 04:57:39 sebastian_bugiu

Excluded inspection for deprecated APIs. Removed unused imports.

7fca1e86451a 2024-01-24 04:38:29 sebastian_bugiu

Made fields for bullet exempt from inspection.

29999e31b04f 2024-01-24 04:37:09 sebastian_bugiu

Make fields final.

645ea5974587 2024-01-24 04:36:43 sebastian_bugiu

This needs to be left as fields. Bullet stuff needs to be retained for the native pointers to be valid.

7ade111ea16e 2024-01-24 02:53:43 sebastian_bugiu

Made fields local variables where possible.

c357b83b9527 2024-01-24 02:53:06 sebastian_bugiu

Removed static final methods.