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Revisióne28753c23e2e7b46183209244625fb08da7ed23d (tree)
Tiempo2020-03-07 18:16:47
AutorKazuhiro Fujieda <fujieda@user...>
CommiterKazuhiro Fujieda

Log Message


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--- a/LogViewer/tags.tag
+++ b/LogViewer/tags.tag
@@ -1015,15 +1015,16 @@ this.calcChartData = function() {
10151015 data.push(["日付", "戦果", "EO", "月毎"]);
10161016 for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
10171017 var row = result[i];
1018+ if (row[0].match(/予測/))
1019+ continue;
10181020 if (row[0].match(/引継/)) {
1019- eo = row[2] - 0;
1020- data.push([0, row[1], row[2], row[3]]);
1021+ eo = row[3] - 0;
1022+ data.push([0, row[1], row[3], row[4]]);
10211023 continue;
10221024 }
10231025 d = moment(row[0], "YYYY-MM-DD").date();
1024- eo += row[2];
1025- var ach = (row[3] - eo).toFixed(1);
1026- data.push([d, ach, eo, row[3]]);
1026+ eo += row[3];
1027+ data.push([d, row[2], eo, row[4]]);
10271028 }
10281029 var endOfMonth = moment(month, "YYYY-MM").endOf("month").date();
10291030 while (d < endOfMonth) {