Last Update: 2022-03-31 21:15 Created at: 2022-02-08 03:59 RSS
git qfold of patches with no explicit commit message fails destructively

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Running git qfold on a set of patches, with no explicit commit message specified via command line options, and when neither the base patch, nor any of those folded into it, includes an explicitly pre-recorded commit message, results in failure to commit the merged patch, while still removing the original patches which should have been folded.

21:15 Estado: Close ha sido actualizado (keith)
23:02 Comment posted by keith

The underlying cause of this defect has been removed by commit #03e96d9; the correction will be incorporated into the next package release.

06:24 Prioridad: Highest ha sido actualizado (keith)
03:59 Crear nuevo incidencia(#51031): git qfold of patches with no explicit commit message fails destructively (keith)