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[Incidencia] Add Comment on ticket #34872
[Git] commits were pushed to 'base' (current: 7a13b267909f5cbd75b59b81e194e7586601db23)
Modified: Remove X86MAC64 in General. modified: src/Objects/General/.Source deleted: src/O...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: b47b5f601684d3b603f2764b7698b37e8b68cf04)
Add: PIONE tutorial to compare a combined rule. new file: SampleCode/PIONE/Basic5/Serial2_comb...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 1e4343a507c9221c00beb4acb8113b0d1c28d3c6)
Modify: PIONE tutoirial Advanced4 version up. modified: SampleCode/PIONE/Advanced4/Anotation.p...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 1ded9fa974ce37041e6684e29adeef09a6296587)
Add: PIONE tutorial about Loop statement. new file: SampleCode/PIONE/Basic15/EvenOddLoop4.pione
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: c9c49a3f5a0c4958a7f838264907cd2be7b70ae8)
Modify: Bug Fixed: Advanced4 modified: SampleCode/PIONE/Advanced4/Create_3d4slst.pione
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: f970e065291be3f67740371a53f735e51d4449be)
Modify: update Anotation. modified: SampleCode/PIONE/Advanced4/Anotation.pione
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 54d579faa5bdbae23271d931ac22758950d01fb1)
Modify: PIONE tutorial Advanced4 use "each" and "all". modified: SampleCode/PIONE/Advanced4/Cr...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 484efbaf2b173ec41b2652e1056c1b05d9b855ee)
Add: PIONE tutorial to convert from Makefile. new file: SampleCode/PIONE/Advanced4/Anotation.p...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 33a5bfacf96f5c680418e353ffec5e7c083a85bf)
Modify: PIONE tutorial of Loop Statement version-up with upto. modified: SampleCode/PIONE/Adva...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: c78c4336fd3795d59ff1b4384bcc5affbe2b43c3)
Add: PIONE tutorial of Loop statement with upto. new file: SampleCode/PIONE/Basic15/EvenOddLoo...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'tutorial' (current: 84962245aa0a65df7f1928df880f05b682bb1f33)
Add: PIONE tutorial of Loop Statement with constraint or sequence. new file: SampleCode/PIONE...
[Incidencia] Add Comment on ticket #34820
上記の内容にて修正を行いました。[[BR]] 但し、make clone(-XXXX)のときには各.git/Configにoriginも...
[Git] commits were pushed to 'base' (current: c1ae729263cc46280649bdce66a74f2b6ebb29e0)
Modify: Bug Fixed: make git-init(-XXXX) and make git-clone-(XXXX) modified: Makefile