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Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
e7ea6f8f3b33 2025-01-30 06:08:43 Lorenzo Isella tip A code to query the data portal and retrieve the metadata...
952da943b975 2025-01-28 22:03:08 Lorenzo Isella I simplified the fiche.
6f21c0f4adf8 2025-01-28 21:59:17 Lorenzo Isella I modified the paths of the input and output files.
3e0e80446c9d 2025-01-23 03:38:25 Lorenzo Isella I added a function to handle sparql queries.
ba07279b6dbc 2025-01-23 03:29:21 Lorenzo Isella A simple script retrieving the data either as a json or a...
c7ac9866c1a9 2025-01-22 06:43:50 Lorenzo Isella I now fixed the bit about the unnest function.
c4d1ce46b832 2025-01-22 06:10:08 Lorenzo Isella I fixed a typo.
004945533edb 2025-01-22 05:45:38 Lorenzo Isella Now unnest needs a cols argument.
9334aeefa440 2025-01-18 08:52:41 Lorenzo Isella A script to retrieve a json file from the api link of dat...
86376ef1ac7b 2025-01-18 08:33:39 Lorenzo Isella A script with some recursive functions to change a generi...

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tip e7ea6f8f3b33 2025-01-30 06:08:43 Lorenzo Isella


Nombre Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
default e7ea6f8f3b33 2025-01-30 06:08:43 Lorenzo Isella A code to query the data po...

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