Rev. | fb689ff55a7b8e055c38be796ad860f516e831db |
Tamaño | 6,075 octetos |
Tiempo | 2018-07-02 06:20:55 |
Autor | Lorenzo Isella |
Log Message | I added a sty file and an example tex file for writing a weekly
% Weekly Timetable Calendar
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (4/6/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original calendar style author:
% Evan Sultanik (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% Important note:
% This template requires the calendar.sty file to be in the same directory as the
% .tex file. The calendar.sty file provides the necessary structure to create the
% calendar.
% see
\usepackage{calendar} % Use the calendar.sty style
\pagestyle{empty} % Removes the page number from the bottom of the page
\StartingDayNumber=1 % Calendar starting day, default of 1 means Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc
\textsc{\LARGE Week 02-08 July}\\ % Title text
%You can add a subtitle
% \textsc{\large Subtitle} % Subtitle text
\day{}{\textbf{Nothing} } % By default all daily events are centered in the box, in order to bring them up use \vspace{2cm} after the event text; you may need to change the 2cm
% Tuesday
\textbf{10:30} \daysep Italian Passport \\[3pt]
% Wednesday
% Thursday
%\textbf{9am-10am} \daysep No Lecture \\[3pt]
\textbf{9:20} \daysep Ben Ayata Centre Medical Louise \\[3pt]
\textbf{15:00} \daysep BNP De Brouckere sign and pay \\[3pt]
% Friday
\textbf{19:00} \daysep Arriva la tioscia!!! \\[3pt]
% Saturday
% Sunday
\textsc{\LARGE Week 09-15 July}\\ % Title text
%You can add a subtitle
% \textsc{\large Subtitle} % Subtitle text
\textbf{10:30} \daysep Visit Mme Therer for the calorimeter \\[3pt]
} % By default all daily events are centered in the box, in order to bring them up use \vspace{2cm} after the event text; you may need to change the 2cm
% Tuesday
% Wednesday
\textbf{14:00} \daysep Signature Acte de Vente!!!! \\[3pt]
% Thursday
%\textbf{9am-10am} \daysep No Lecture \\[3pt]
% Friday
% Saturday
\textbf{All Day} \daysep Lorenzo's Birthday \\[3pt]
% Sunday