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  • SSH

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File Info

Rev. 71715816f52ef6a4beccfb74e860eef460e3a5b0
Tamaño 1,903 octetos
Tiempo 2017-08-25 21:08:37
Autor Lorenzo Isella
Log Message

Some improvements and fine tuning of the width of the box and the text inside.


\usetikzlibrary{trees} % this is to allow the fork right path
% \usepackage[landscape]{geometry}
 % \usepackage[paperheight=30cm, paperwidth=20cm]{geometry}


\pagenumbering{gobble}% Remove page numbers (and reset to 1)

%%%% Careful!!! I need a space before closing any bracket ] to the right!!!

\begin{tikzpicture}[ grow'=down,level distance=1.5in,
  sibling distance=.2in]
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style= 
            {thick, draw, edge from parent fork down},
         every tree node/.style=
            {draw,minimum width=3in,text width=3in,align=center}}
          \Tree [.{COICOP (Classification of Individual COnsumption by
            Purpose)} % \edge node[auto=right] {COICOP-CPA
            % correspondence table from United Nations};
          [.{CPA (statistical Classification of Products by Activity)}
           % \edge node[auto=right] {CPA-HS2007 correspondence table from
           % United Nations};
          [.{HS 2007 (Harmonised System, 2007, 6 digits)} % \edge
          % node[auto=right] {An extra step is needed to cover the
          %   period 2012-2016 (see the left branch below)};
          [[.{Use BEC (Broad Economic Categories) to identify imports primarily for
            household consumption} {\underline{Final Outcome:} HS codes
   for imports primarily for household consumption for the years 2007-2011} ]  
 [.{HS 2012 (Harmonised System, 2012, 6 digits )}   [.{Use BEC (Broad Economic Categories) to identify imports primarily for
            household consumption  } {
   \underline{Final Outcome:} HS codes
   for imports primarily for household consumption for the years 2012-2016}  ]   ]  ] ]]  ]
