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File Info

Rev. 9cd2e32808deefe5bc4041be433772fef9fe3cbe
Tamaño 2,864 octetos
Tiempo 2017-03-03 18:40:22
Autor panacoran
Log Message



 * Copyright (c) Daisuke OKAJIMA    All rights reserved.
 * $Id$
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Travis.PKI;
using Travis.Util;

namespace Zanetti
	 * 現在の仕様は、
	 * (a) バージョン(1byte)
	 * (b) ユーザ名の長さ(1byte)
	 * (c) ユーザ名(utf-8, (b)の値の長さ)
	 * (d) (a)-(c)のMD5ハッシュ-X(16byte)の署名つき(16byte)
	 * 署名は128ビットのRSAによる。本来128では全然不足だが、それほど厳重にやるわけではないのでこの程度で十分
	 * MD5ハッシュ-Xは簡易modで、先頭バイトを0x02に固定したもの。

	internal class SimpleUserKey
		private string _userName;
		private bool _valid;

		public string UserName {
			get {
				return _userName;
			set {
				_userName = value;
		public bool IsValid {
			get {
				return _valid;

		public SimpleUserKey() {

		public string ComputeSignedString() {
			byte[] t = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_userName);
			byte[] buf = new byte[t.Length+2+32];
			buf[0] = 1;
			buf[1] = (byte)t.Length;
			Array.Copy(t, 0, buf, 2, t.Length);
			byte[] hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(buf, 0, buf.Length-32);

			StreamReader re = new StreamReader(Env.GetAppDir()+"privatekey.txt");
			BigInteger d = new BigInteger(re.ReadLine(), 16);
			BigInteger p = new BigInteger(re.ReadLine(), 16);
			BigInteger q = new BigInteger(re.ReadLine(), 16);
			BigInteger u = new BigInteger(re.ReadLine(), 16);

			RSAPublicKey pub = ZPublicKey.PubKeyForExtensionKit;
			RSAKeyPair kp = new RSAKeyPair(pub.Exponent, d, pub.Modulus, u, p, q);
			hash[0] = 0x02;
			byte[] signature = kp.Sign(hash);
			kp.Verify(signature, hash);
			Array.Copy(signature, 0, buf, buf.Length-32, signature.Length);

			return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Base64.Encode(buf));

		public void Import(string code) {
			byte[] rawdata = Base64.Decode(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(code));
			if(rawdata.Length<35) throw new FormatException("signature string is too short");
			if(rawdata[0]!=1) throw new FormatException("unsupported signature version");
			byte[] hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(rawdata, 0, rawdata.Length-32);
			hash[0] = 2;
			RSAPublicKey pub = ZPublicKey.PubKeyForExtensionKit;
			byte[] sig = new byte[32];
			Array.Copy(rawdata, rawdata.Length-32, sig, 0, 32);
			pub.Verify(sig, hash);

			_userName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rawdata, 2, rawdata[1]);
			_valid = true;
		public static SimpleUserKey Load(string code) {
			SimpleUserKey key = new SimpleUserKey();
			if(code!=null && code.Length>0) {
				try {
				catch(Exception ex) {
			return key;