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File Info

Rev. e778a3bc4d66c7cdd9543ad6bca38ff10262916a
Tamaño 2,724 octetos
Tiempo 2011-11-15 23:04:55
Autor masakih
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Append Makefile



//  MosaicView.m
//  MosaicPreviewerForThousand
//  Created by Hori,Masaki on 07/12/13.
//  Copyright 2007 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "MosaicView.h"

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

@implementation MosaicView
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
	if([delegate isClosePanelWithSingleClick]
	   || [theEvent clickCount] > 1) {
		[[self window] performClose:self];

- (void)setText:(NSString *)string
	id temp = text;
	text = [string copy];
	[temp release];
	[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (NSParagraphStyle *)textparagraph
	NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraph = [[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	[paragraph setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
	return paragraph;
- (NSDictionary *)textAttributes
	NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
	[result setObject:[NSColor redColor]
	[result setObject:[self textparagraph]
	return result;
- (void)drawText
	if(!text || [text length] == 0) return;
	NSRect rect = [self frame];
	NSRect drawRect;
	id attr = [self textAttributes];
	drawRect.size = [text sizeWithAttributes:attr];
	drawRect.origin.x = ( NSWidth(rect) - NSWidth(drawRect) ) * 0.5;
	drawRect.origin.y = ( NSHeight(rect) - NSHeight(drawRect) ) * 0.5;
	[text drawInRect:drawRect
- (void)drawImage
	if(!context) {
		context = [[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] CIContext] retain];
	if(!context) {
		NSLog(@"Abort!!"); return;
	CIImage *cImage = [delegate viewImage];
	if(!cImage) return;
	NSRect frame = [self bounds];
	CGRect imageRect = [cImage extent];
	CGRect cg;
	float frameAspect, imageAspect;
	NSRect temp;
	frameAspect = NSWidth(frame) / NSHeight(frame);
	imageAspect = CGRectGetWidth(imageRect) / CGRectGetHeight(imageRect);
	if(imageAspect > frameAspect) {
		temp = frame;
		temp.size.height = NSWidth(frame) / imageAspect;
		temp.origin.y += (NSHeight(frame) - NSHeight(temp)) / 2;
		frame = temp;
	} else if(imageAspect < frameAspect) {
		temp = frame;
		temp.size.width = NSHeight(frame) * imageAspect;
		temp.origin.x += (NSWidth(frame) - NSWidth(temp)) / 2;
		frame = temp;
	cg = CGRectMake(NSMinX(frame), NSMinY(frame),
					NSWidth(frame), NSHeight(frame));
	cg = CGRectInset(cg, 1, 1);
	[context drawImage:cImage
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
	[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
	[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
	NSRectFill([self bounds]);
	[[NSColor blackColor] set];
	NSFrameRect([self bounds]);
	[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
	[self drawImage];
	[self drawText];
