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Automap (client) [VS plugin mod]

File Info

Rev. 1c8849af29a916822885541c010ffc4b7bb90d5a
Tamaño 10,657 octetos
Tiempo 2022-05-02 03:22:25
Autor melchior
Log Message

2nd Entity processing fix attempt


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

using Automap;

using Hjg.Pngcs;
using Hjg.Pngcs.Chunks;

using ProtoBuf;
using Vintagestory.API.Common;
using Vintagestory.API.MathTools;
using Vintagestory.GameContent;

namespace ShardProcessor
	public partial class MainClass
		internal const int chunkDefaultSize = 32;

		private static void Process_ShardData( )
		var shardsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(mapPath, _chunkPath));

		var shardFiles = shardsDir.GetFiles(chunkFile_filter);

		if (shardFiles.Length > 0) {
		#if DEBUG
		//Logger.VerboseDebug("Metadata reloading from {0} shards", shardFiles.Length);

		foreach (var shardFile in shardFiles) {

		if (shardFile.Length < 1024) continue;
		var result = chunkShardRegex.Match(shardFile.Name);
		if (!result.Success) continue;

		int X_chunk_pos = int.Parse(result.Groups["X"].Value);
		int Z_chunk_pos = int.Parse(result.Groups["Z"].Value);

		try {
		using (var fileStream = shardFile.OpenRead( )) {

		PngReader pngRead = new PngReader(fileStream);
		pngRead.ReadSkippingAllRows( );
		pngRead.End( );
		//Parse PNG chunks for METADATA in shard
		PngMetadataChunk metadataFromPng = pngRead.GetChunksList( ).GetById1(PngMetadataChunk.ID) as PngMetadataChunk;
		ColumnMeta columnData = metadataFromPng.ChunkMetadata;
		//columnData.HeightMap //Should be sane Heightmap...


		} catch (PngjException someEx) {
		//Logger.Error("PNG Corruption file '{0}' - Reason: {1}", shardFile.Name, someEx);
		} catch (ProtoException protoEx) {
		//Logger.Error("ProtoBuf invalid! file:'{0}' - Reason: {1}", shardFile.Name, protoEx);


		private static void Scan_PointsData( )
		try {
		var eoiFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(mapPath, @"eoi_binary"));
		var poiFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(mapPath, @"poi_binary"));
		uint entities = 0, points = 0;

		if (eoiFile.Exists) {
		using (var eoiStream = eoiFile.OpenRead( )) {

		EntitiesOfInterest eoiData = Serializer.Deserialize<EntitiesOfInterest>(eoiStream);

		foreach (var entry in eoiData) {
		Console.WriteLine("#{0}, [{1}], '{2}', {3}",
		entry.Timestamp.ToUniversalTime( )
		Console.WriteLine("Entities Of Interest: {0}", entities);

		if (poiFile.Exists) {
		using (var poiStream = poiFile.OpenRead( )) {

		PointsOfInterest poiData = Serializer.Deserialize<PointsOfInterest>(poiStream);
		foreach (var entry in poiData) {
		Console.WriteLine("[{0}], {1}, {2}, {3}",
		  entry.Timestamp.ToUniversalTime( )
		Console.WriteLine("Points Of Interest: {0}", points);

		} catch (Exception uhOh) {


		private static void Scan_ShardData( )
		var shardsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(mapPath, _chunkPath));
		ulong count = 0, errors = 0, flat = 0;
		var shardFiles = shardsDir.GetFiles(chunkFile_filter);

		if (shardFiles.Length > 0) {
		#if DEBUG
		//Logger.VerboseDebug("Metadata reloading from {0} shards", shardFiles.Length);

		foreach (var shardFile in shardFiles) {

		if (shardFile.Length < 1024) {
		Console.WriteLine("File: '{0}' too small to be valid; skipping!", shardFile.FullName);

		var result = chunkShardRegex.Match(shardFile.Name);
		if (!result.Success) continue;

		int X_chunk_pos = int.Parse(result.Groups["X"].Value);
		int Z_chunk_pos = int.Parse(result.Groups["Z"].Value);

		try {
		using (var fileStream = shardFile.OpenRead( )) {

		PngReader pngRead = new PngReader(fileStream);
		pngRead.ReadSkippingAllRows( );
		pngRead.End( );
		//Parse PNG chunks for METADATA in shard
		PngMetadataChunk metadataFromPng = pngRead.GetChunksList( ).GetById1(PngMetadataChunk.ID) as PngMetadataChunk;
		ColumnMeta columnData = metadataFromPng.ChunkMetadata;

		Console.Write("X{0,6:D} Y{1,6:D} Age:{2:N1} ", columnData.Location.X, columnData.Location.Y, columnData.ChunkAge.TotalDays);
		Console.Write("YMax:{0:D3} ChkS:{1} Air:{2,7:D} NotAir:{3,7:D} ",
		columnData.YMax, columnData.ChunkSize, columnData.AirBlocks, columnData.NonAirBlocks
		if (columnData.HeightMap != null) {
		Console.Write("(Heights [{0}x{1}] ", columnData.HeightMap.GetLength(0), columnData.HeightMap.GetLength(1));
		ushort lowest = ushort.MaxValue, highest = 0;
		ulong sum = 0;
		foreach (var hmEntry in columnData.HeightMap) {
		lowest = Math.Min(lowest, hmEntry);
		highest = Math.Max(highest, hmEntry);
		sum += hmEntry;
		Console.Write("Max:{0,3}, Min:{1,3}, ", highest, lowest);
		if (sum > 0) Console.Write("Avg:{0:F1})", ( float )sum / (columnData.ChunkSize * columnData.ChunkSize));
		Console.WriteLine( );
		/*------ROCK RATIOs mini-table----------*/
		if (columnData.RockRatio != null && columnData.RockRatio.Count > 0) {
		Console.Write("Ratios({0,2:D})[", columnData.RockRatio.Count);
		foreach (var rock in columnData.RockRatio) {
		Console.Write("ID:{0,5:D} x{1,4:D}, ", rock.Key, rock.Value);
		Console.Write(" ]\n");

		if (sum == 0 || columnData.YMax == 0) flat++;
		else {


		} catch (PngjException someEx) {
		Console.WriteLine("PNG Corruption file '{0}' - Reason: {1}", shardFile.Name, someEx);
		} catch (ProtoException protoEx) {
		Console.WriteLine("ProtoBuf invalid! file:'{0}' - Reason: {1}", shardFile.Name, protoEx);

		Console.WriteLine("Scanned {0} files, {1} errors, {2} FLAT entries", count, errors, flat);

		private static void Scan_OneShard( )
		//--oneshard ~/ApplicationData/vintagestory/Maps/World_1316328588/Chunks/9363_9379.png
		var oneChunkFile = new FileInfo(mapPath);
		if (oneChunkFile.Exists) {

		try {
		using (var fileStream = oneChunkFile.OpenRead( )) {

		PngReader pngRead = new PngReader(fileStream);
		pngRead.ReadSkippingAllRows( );

		//Parse PNG chunks for METADATA in shard
		PngMetadataChunk metadataFromPng = pngRead.GetChunksList( ).GetById1(PngMetadataChunk.ID) as PngMetadataChunk;
		ColumnMeta columnData = metadataFromPng.ChunkMetadata;
		var metadata = pngRead.GetMetadata( );
		var pngWriteTime = metadata.GetTime( );
		var chunkX = metadata.GetTxtForKey(@"Chunk_X");
		var chunkY = metadata.GetTxtForKey(@"Chunk_Y");
		var pixelSize = metadata.GetTxtForKey(@"PxSz");
		var gameDate = metadata.GetTxtForKey(@"GameDY");
		var dateBlob = pngWriteTime.GetYMDHMS( );
	 	return new int[] {

		Console.WriteLine($"PNG-Timestamp:  Y{dateBlob[0] - 456960} M{dateBlob[1]} D{dateBlob[2]} H{dateBlob[3]} M {dateBlob[4]} S{dateBlob[5]} Chunk: X {chunkX} Y {chunkY} PixelSize:{pixelSize} Game-Date: {gameDate}");

		pngRead.End( );
		} catch (Exception darn) {
		Debug.Write("Oops! File causes: {0}", darn.ToString( ));


		private static void Emit_ProtoHeader( )
		Console.WriteLine("Created Protobuf Header files.");
		using (var entitiesProto = File.CreateText("Entities.proto")) {
		entitiesProto.Write(Serializer.GetProto<EntitiesOfInterest>( ));
		entitiesProto.Flush( );

		using (var pointsProto = File.CreateText("Points.proto")) {
		pointsProto.Write(Serializer.GetProto<PointsOfInterest>( ));
		pointsProto.Flush( );

		using (var metadataProto = File.CreateText("ColumnMeta.proto")) {
		metadataProto.Write(Serializer.GetProto<ColumnMeta>( ));
		metadataProto.Flush( );

		private static void Dump_Minimap( )
		//Extract MapDB -> Shard compatible PNG?
		var logger = new LogAdaptor( );
		WalkableMapDB minimapDatabase = new WalkableMapDB(logger);
		string outmsg = string.Empty;
		logger.Event("Started Logging @{0}", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("u"));
		Console.WriteLine("Starting to Dump Minimap data");
		var tilesPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(mapPath);
		Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tilesPath, _minimapTilesPath));

		if (minimapDatabase.OpenOrCreate(mapPath, ref outmsg, false, false, false)) {

		foreach (var mapPiece in minimapDatabase.WalkMapTiles( )) {
		logger.VerboseDebug("ScanDB Tile - X:{0} Y:{1}, Bitmap Int#{2}", mapPiece.ChunkPos.X, mapPiece.ChunkPos.Y, mapPiece.Pixels.Length);
		MinimalShardWriter(mapPiece.ChunkPos, mapPiece.Pixels, tilesPath,logger);

		else {
		logger.Error("Failed to access Minimap Database: '{0}'", outmsg);

		Console.WriteLine("DONE Dumping Minimap data!");

		private static void MinimalShardWriter(Vec2i coord, int[] pixelData, string tilesPath, ILogger logger )
		ImageInfo imageInf = new ImageInfo(chunkDefaultSize, chunkDefaultSize, 8, false);

		string filename = $"{coord.X}_{coord.Y}.png";
		filename = Path.Combine(tilesPath, _minimapTilesPath, filename);

		var PngWriter = FileHelper.CreatePngWriter(filename, imageInf, true);
		PngMetadata meta = PngWriter.GetMetadata( );
		meta.SetText("Chunk_X", coord.X.ToString("D"));
		meta.SetText("Chunk_Y", coord.Y.ToString("D"));
		meta.SetText("PxSz", "1");
		var transparencyChunk = meta.CreateTRNSChunk( );
		transparencyChunk.SetRGB(0, 0, 0);//Same as Snapshots
		var minimalMetadata = new ColumnMeta(coord);

		//Setup specialized meta-data PNG chunks here...
		PngMetadataChunk pngChunkMeta = new PngMetadataChunk(PngWriter.ImgInfo) {
			ChunkMetadata = minimalMetadata
		PngWriter.GetChunksList( ).Queue(pngChunkMeta);
		PngWriter.CompLevel = 5;// 9 is the maximum compression but thats too high for the small benefit it gives
		PngWriter.CompressionStrategy = Hjg.Pngcs.Zlib.EDeflateCompressStrategy.Huffman;

		//pre-create PNG line slices...
		ImageLine[ ] lines = Enumerable.Repeat(new object( ), chunkDefaultSize).Select(l => new ImageLine(PngWriter.ImgInfo)).ToArray( );

		Vec2i pixelPosn = new Vec2i();
		for (int pixelIndex = 0; pixelIndex < (chunkDefaultSize * chunkDefaultSize); pixelIndex++) {		
		MapUtil.PosInt2d(pixelIndex, chunkDefaultSize, pixelPosn);
		int red, green, blue;
		red = ColorUtil.ColorB(pixelData[pixelIndex]);
		green = ColorUtil.ColorG(pixelData[pixelIndex]);
		blue = ColorUtil.ColorR(pixelData[pixelIndex]);

		ImageLineHelper.SetPixel(lines[pixelPosn.Y], pixelPosn.X, red, green, blue);


		for (int row = 0; row < PngWriter.ImgInfo.Rows; row++) {
		PngWriter.WriteRow(lines[row], row);
		PngWriter.End( );

		logger.Debug("Wrote mini map tile: {0}", coord);