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Main repository of MikuMikuStudio

Commit MetaInfo

Revisiónb48a4732d6a463b3ac28d2e9a7b26a4dade11cff (tree)
Tiempo2003-10-28 06:34:53
Autormojomonkey <mojomonkey@75d0...>

Log Message

finish is now public so the application can be shut down externally.

git-svn-id: http://jmonkeyengine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@123 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

--- a/src/com/jme/app/AbstractGame.java
+++ b/src/com/jme/app/AbstractGame.java
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import com.jme.util.LoggingSystem;
4747 * continues to run until finish is called.
4848 *
4949 * @author Mark Powell
50- * @version $Id: AbstractGame.java,v 1.1 2003-10-02 15:01:17 mojomonkey Exp $
50+ * @version $Id: AbstractGame.java,v 1.2 2003-10-27 21:34:53 mojomonkey Exp $
5151 */
5353 public abstract class AbstractGame {
@@ -150,6 +150,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractGame {
150150 noDialog = value;
151151 dialogRequested = false;
152152 }
154+ /**
155+ * <code>finish</code> is called to break out of the main game loop. This
156+ * method is final and cannot be overridden.
157+ */
158+ public final void finish() {
159+ finished = true;
160+ }
154162 /**
155163 * <code>quit</code> is called to exit the program. By default it simply
@@ -161,14 +169,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractGame {
161169 }
163171 /**
164- * <code>finish</code> is called to break out of the main game loop. This
165- * method is final and cannot be overridden.
166- */
167- protected final void finish() {
168- finished = true;
169- }
171- /**
172172 * <code>update</code> is called each frame and is intended to update
173173 * the game state. That is run physics for game entities, check scores,
174174 * etc.