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Rev. abec95183e38adccdd3ae834f0e303862ebeff62
Tamaño 8,053 octetos
Tiempo 2022-12-15 22:48:19
Autor panacoran
Log Message



 * Copyright (c) Daisuke OKAJIMA    All rights reserved.
 * $Id$
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace Travis.PKI
	public class RSAKeyPair : KeyPair, ISigner, IVerifier {

		private RSAPublicKey _publickey;
		private BigInteger _d;
		private BigInteger _u;
		private BigInteger _p;
		private BigInteger _q;

		public RSAKeyPair(BigInteger e, BigInteger d, BigInteger n, BigInteger u, BigInteger p, BigInteger q) {
			_publickey = new RSAPublicKey(e, n);
			_d = d;
			_u = u;
			_p = p;
			_q = q;
		public BigInteger D {
			get { 
				return _d;
		public BigInteger U {
			get { 
				return _u;
		public BigInteger P {
			get { 
				return _p;
		public BigInteger Q {
			get { 
				return _q;
		public override PublicKeyAlgorithm Algorithm {
			get {
				return PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA;
		public byte[] Sign(byte[] data) {
			BigInteger pe = PrimeExponent(_d, _p);
			BigInteger qe = PrimeExponent(_d, _q);

			BigInteger result = SignCore(new BigInteger(data), pe, qe);

			return result.getBytes();
		public void Verify(byte[] data, byte[] expected) {
			_publickey.Verify(data, expected);

		public byte[] SignWithSHA1(byte[] data) {
			byte[] hash = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(data);

			byte[] buf = new byte[hash.Length + PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length];
			Array.Copy(PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID, 0, buf, 0, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length);
			Array.Copy(hash,        0, buf, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length, hash.Length);
			BigInteger x = new BigInteger(buf);
			int padLen = (_publickey._n.bitCount() + 7) / 8;

			x = RSAUtil.PKCS1PadType1(x, padLen);
			byte[] result = Sign(x.getBytes());
			return result;

		private BigInteger SignCore(BigInteger input, BigInteger pe, BigInteger qe) {
			BigInteger p2 = (input % _p).modPow(pe, _p);
			BigInteger q2 = (input % _q).modPow(qe, _q);

				return p2;

			BigInteger k = (q2-p2) % _q;
			if(k.IsNegative) k += _q; //in .NET, k is negative when _q is negative
			k = (k * _u) % _q;

			BigInteger result = k * _p + p2;

			return result;

		public override PublicKey PublicKey {
			get {
				return _publickey;

		private static BigInteger PrimeExponent(BigInteger privateExponent,	BigInteger prime) {
			BigInteger pe = prime - new BigInteger(1);
			return privateExponent % pe;


		public RSAParameters ToRSAParameters() {
			RSAParameters p = new RSAParameters();
			p.D = _d.getBytes();
			p.Exponent = _publickey.Exponent.getBytes();
			p.Modulus = _publickey.Modulus.getBytes();
			p.P = _p.getBytes();
			p.Q = _q.getBytes();
			BigInteger pe = PrimeExponent(_d, _p);
			BigInteger qe = PrimeExponent(_d, _q);
			p.DP = pe.getBytes();
			p.DQ = qe.getBytes();
			p.InverseQ = _u.getBytes();
			return p;

		public static RSAKeyPair GenerateNew(int bits, Random rnd) {
			BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1);
			BigInteger p   = null;
			BigInteger q   = null;
			BigInteger t   = null;
			BigInteger p_1 = null;
			BigInteger q_1 = null;
			BigInteger phi = null;
			BigInteger G   = null;
			BigInteger F   = null;
			BigInteger e   = null;
			BigInteger d   = null;
			BigInteger u   = null;
			BigInteger n   = null;

			bool finished = false;

			while(!finished) {
				p = BigInteger.genPseudoPrime(bits / 2, 64, rnd);
				q = BigInteger.genPseudoPrime(bits - (bits / 2), 64, rnd);

				if(p == 0) {
				} else if(q < p) {
					t = q;
					q = p;
					p = t;

				t = p.gcd(q);
				if(t != one) {

				p_1 = p - one;
				q_1 = q - one;
				phi = p_1 * q_1;
				G   = p_1.gcd(q_1);
				F   = phi / G;

				e   = one << 5;
				e   = e - one;
				do {
					e = e + (one + one);
					t = e.gcd(phi);
				} while(t!=one);

				// !!! d = e.modInverse(F);
				d = e.modInverse(phi);
				n = p * q;
				u = p.modInverse(q);

				finished = true;

			return new RSAKeyPair(e,d,n,u,p,q);

	public class RSAPublicKey : PublicKey, IVerifier {

		internal BigInteger _e;
		internal BigInteger _n;

		public RSAPublicKey(BigInteger exp, BigInteger mod) {
			_e = exp;
			_n = mod;
		public override PublicKeyAlgorithm Algorithm {
			get {
				return PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA;
		public BigInteger Exponent {
			get {
				return _e;
		public BigInteger Modulus {
			get {
				return _n;

		public void Verify(byte[] data, byte[] expected) {
			if(VerifyBI(data)!=new BigInteger(expected))
				throw new VerifyException("Failed to verify");
		private BigInteger VerifyBI(byte[] data) {
			return new BigInteger(data).modPow(_e, _n);
		public void VerifyWithSHA1(byte[] data, byte[] expected) {
			BigInteger result = VerifyBI(data);
			byte[] finaldata = RSAUtil.StripPKCS1Pad(result,1).getBytes();
			if(finaldata.Length != PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length+expected.Length)
				throw new VerifyException("result is too short");
			else {
				byte[] r = new byte[finaldata.Length];
				Array.Copy(PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID, 0, r, 0, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length);
				Array.Copy(expected, 0, r, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length, expected.Length);
				//if(SSHUtil.memcmp(r, finaldata)!=0)
				if(RSAUtil.memcmp(r, finaldata)!=0)
					throw new VerifyException("failed to verify");

		public override void WriteTo(IKeyWriter writer) {

	public class RSAUtil {
		public static int memcmp(byte[] d1, byte[] d2) {
			for(int i = 0; i<d1.Length; i++) {
				if(d1[i]!=d2[i]) return (int)(d2[i]-d1[i]);
			return 0;
		public static int memcmp(byte[] d1, int o1, byte[] d2, int o2, int len) {
			for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) {
				if(d1[o1+i]!=d2[o2+i]) return (int)(d2[o2+i]-d1[o1+i]);
			return 0;

		public static BigInteger PKCS1PadType2(BigInteger input, int pad_len, Random rand) {
			int input_byte_length = (input.bitCount()+7)/8;
			//System.out.println(String.valueOf(pad_len) + ":" + input_byte_length);
			byte[] pad = new byte[pad_len - input_byte_length - 3];

			for(int i = 0; i < pad.Length; i++) {
				byte[] b = new byte[1];
				while(b[0] == 0) rand.NextBytes(b); //0ではだめだ
				pad[i] = b[0];

			BigInteger pad_int = new BigInteger(pad);
			pad_int = pad_int << ((input_byte_length + 1) * 8);
			BigInteger result = new BigInteger(2);
			result = result << ((pad_len - 2) * 8);
			result = result | pad_int;
			result = result | input;

			return result;
		public static BigInteger PKCS1PadType1(BigInteger input, int pad_len) {
			int input_byte_length = (input.bitCount()+7)/8;
			//System.out.println(String.valueOf(pad_len) + ":" + input_byte_length);
			byte[] pad = new byte[pad_len - input_byte_length - 3];
			for(int i = 0; i < pad.Length; i++) {
				pad[i] = (byte)0xff;

			BigInteger pad_int = new BigInteger(pad);
			pad_int = pad_int << ((input_byte_length + 1) * 8);
			BigInteger result = new BigInteger(1);
			result = result << ((pad_len - 2) * 8);
			result = result | pad_int;
			result = result | input;

			return result;
		public static BigInteger StripPKCS1Pad(BigInteger input, int type) {
			byte[] strip = input.getBytes();
			int i;

			if(strip[0] != type) throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid PKCS1 padding {0}", type));

			for(i = 1; i < strip.Length; i++) {
				if(strip[i] == 0) break;

				if(type == 0x01 && strip[i] != (byte)0xff)
					throw new Exception("Invalid PKCS1 padding, corrupt data");

			if(i == strip.Length)
				throw new Exception("Invalid PKCS1 padding, corrupt data");

			byte[] val = new byte[strip.Length - i];
			Array.Copy(strip, i, val, 0, val.Length);
			return new BigInteger(val);