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Commit MetaInfo

Revisión841d116bd48f5fddbad63af8bf2639c1b9e9f933 (tree)
Tiempo2017-11-22 16:27:31
Autorxfengcarl <carl.zhang@inte...>
CommiterXiang, Haihao

Log Message

add RGB 10-bit packed format

RGB 10-bit packed format with upper 2 bits as alpha channel.
The existing pre-defined fourcc codes can be used to signal
the position of each component for this RT format.

Signed-off-by: Carl.Zhang <carl.zhang@intel.com>

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--- a/va/va.h
+++ b/va/va.h
@@ -669,6 +669,12 @@ typedef struct _VAConfigAttrib {
669669 #define VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32 0x00020000
670670 /* RGBP covers RGBP and BGRP fourcc */
671671 #define VA_RT_FORMAT_RGBP 0x00100000
673+ * RGB 10-bit packed format with upper 2 bits as alpha channel.
674+ * The existing pre-defined fourcc codes can be used to signal
675+ * the position of each component for this RT format.
676+ */
677+#define VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32_10BPP 0x00200000
672678 #define VA_RT_FORMAT_PROTECTED 0x80000000
674680 /** @name Attribute values for VAConfigAttribRateControl */