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This is a slow ctype library for sjis characters. 高速ではない シフトジス用の ctype 文字類識別ライブラリです。

Commit MetaInfo

Revisiónaf9a8928b79acb0cedc0e49dbc3bd8afbf87d121 (tree)
Tiempo2013-07-29 13:57:21
AutorJoel Matthew Rees <reiisi@user...>
CommiterJoel Matthew Rees

Log Message

Strange that I would forget to add the example source
and some example worksheets to show how to use the example.

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

Binary files /dev/null and b/Crypt_fun_00.doc differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/Crypt_fun_hack_00.doc differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hiragana-crypt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
1+/* Sample hack for using the slowsjctype library.
2+// by Joel Matthew Rees, March 2009.
3+// Copyright 2009, Joel Matthew Rees
5+// Derived from a test file I'd written while at Alps Giken
6+// building a faster table-based library,
7+// in which I found a bug which never got fixed in the original source code
8+// still to be found at <http://reiisi.homedns.org/~joel/sannet/sjctype/testproj.html>.
10+// License extended under the GPL v. 3, see LICENSE.TXT.
14+#include <stdio.h>
15+#include <string.h>
16+#include <stdlib.h>
17+#include <ctype.h>
19+#include "slowsjctype.h"
21+#define ALPHA_COUNT 26
22+char alpha_list[ ALPHA_COUNT * 2 + 1 ]
23+= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; /* DO NOT change without adjusting ALPHA_COUNT! */
24+#define HIRAGANA_COUNT 46
25+char hiragana_list[ HIRAGANA_COUNT * 4 + 1 ]
26+/* DO NOT change without adjusting HIRAGANA_COUNT! */
27+= "あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとなにぬねのはひふへほまみむめもらりるれろやゆよわをん";
29+void prep_search_list( char list[] )
30+{ size_t i;
31+ size_t count
32+ = ( list == alpha_list )
34+ : ( list == hiragana_list )
36+ : 0;
37+ for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
38+ { list[ i + count ] = list[ i ];
39+ }
40+ list[ 2 * count ] = '\0';
43+int search( char * target_pointer, char list[], size_t offset )
44+{ if ( offset < ALPHA_COUNT )
45+ { if ( list == alpha_list )
46+ { char target = * target_pointer;
47+ size_t i;
48+ for ( i = 0; i < ALPHA_COUNT; ++i )
49+ { if ( list[ offset + i ] == target )
50+ { return i;
51+ }
52+ }
53+ }
54+ else if ( list == hiragana_list )
55+ { char targetHigh = target_pointer[ 0 ];
56+ char targetLow = target_pointer[ 1 ];
57+ size_t i;
58+ for ( i = 0; i < HIRAGANA_COUNT * 2; i += 2 )
59+ { size_t x = offset * 2 + i;
60+ if ( list[ x + 1 ] == targetLow && list[ x ] == targetHigh )
61+ { return i / 2;
62+ }
63+ }
64+ }
65+ }
66+ return -1;
69+void convert( char target[], int offset, int point, char buffer[ 4 ] )
70+{ buffer[ 0 ] = '\0';
71+ if ( target == hiragana_list && ( point + offset ) < ( HIRAGANA_COUNT ) )
72+ { buffer[ 0 ] = hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 ];
73+ buffer[ 1 ] = hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 + 1 ];
74+ buffer[ 2 ] = '\0';
75+ }
76+ else if ( target == alpha_list && ( point + offset ) < ( 2 * ALPHA_COUNT ) )
77+ { buffer[ 0 ] = alpha_list[ point + offset ];
78+ buffer[ 1 ] = '\0';
79+ }
80+/* printf( ":%d-%d", point, target == hiragana_list ); */
81+ return;
84+int main ( int argc, const char * argv[] )
86+/* size_t alpha_length = strlen( to_alpha );
87+ size_t hiragana_length = strlen( hiragana_list );
89+ char * source = alpha_list;
90+ char * target = hiragana_list;
91+ int chint = '\0';
92+ int offset = 0;
93+ int i;
94+ for ( i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
95+ {
96+ if ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' && argv[ i ][ 1 ] == 'o' )
97+ { char * stopped = NULL;
98+ unsigned long offspec = strtoul( argv[ ++i ], &stopped, 10 );
99+ if ( offspec > HIRAGANA_COUNT )
100+ { offspec = 0;
101+ }
102+ offset = (int) offspec;
103+ /* printf( "offset = %d\n", offset ); */
104+ }
105+ else if ( ( strcmp( "--to-alpha", argv[ i ] ) == 0 )
106+ || ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' && argv[ i ][ 1 ] == 'a' ) )
107+ { source = hiragana_list;
108+ target = alpha_list;
109+ }
110+ }
111+ prep_search_list( alpha_list );
112+ prep_search_list( hiragana_list );
113+/* puts( alpha_list ); */
114+/* puts( hiragana_list ); */
115+ while ( ( chint = getchar() ) != EOF )
116+ { if ( source == alpha_list )
117+ { if ( !isalpha( chint ) )
118+ { putchar( chint );
119+ }
120+ else
121+ { char ch = tolower( chint );
122+ int point = search( &ch, source, 0 );
123+ /* printf( "\npoint was %u\n", point ); */
124+ if ( point < 0 )
125+ { fputs( "?", stdout );
126+ }
127+ else
128+ { /* putchar( hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 ] );
129+ // putchar( hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 + 1 ] );
130+ */
131+ char wch[ 4 ];
132+ /* = { hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 ], hiragana_list[ ( point + offset ) * 2 + 1 ], '\0' }; */
133+ convert( target, offset, point, wch );
134+ fputs( wch, stdout );
135+ }
136+ }
137+ }
138+ else
139+ { char wch[ 4 ] = { chint, '\0', '\0', '\0' };
140+ int point;
141+ if ( slowsjIsPHighByte( wch ) )
142+ {
143+ wch[ 1 ] = chint = getchar();
144+/* fputs( ":hb:", stdout ); */
145+ if ( !slowsjIsP2Byte( wch ) )
146+ { ungetc( chint, stdin );
147+ wch[ 1 ] = '\0';
148+/* fputs( ":n2:", stdout ); */
149+ }
150+ else if ( ( point = search( wch, source, 0 ) ) >= 0 )
151+ { if ( point >= ALPHA_COUNT )
152+ { wch[ 0 ] = '?';
153+ wch[ 1 ] = '\0';
154+ }
155+ else
156+ { convert( target, ALPHA_COUNT - offset, point, wch );
157+ }
158+ }
159+ }
160+ fputs( wch, stdout );
161+ if ( chint == EOF )
162+ { break;
163+ }
164+ }
165+ }
166+ return 0;