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Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
2951f88 2014-12-23 00:31:57 umorigu master Improve handling of UTF-8 only functions Now we don't ne...
d53c4f3 2014-12-22 23:41:59 umorigu Implement converting UTF-8 source code to EUC-JP dist fil...
7efde1a 2014-12-03 01:52:50 umorigu Use eucJP-ms as input codeset of NKF conversion instead o...
6a85cbd 2014-12-02 03:50:56 umorigu Get back PukiWiki original user files
00c36af 2014-06-11 01:39:36 umorigu git_support Keep the file timesamp of commit time
ccc91a5 2014-06-11 01:21:13 umorigu Use git clone and reset to get snapshot revision
12ba69b 2014-06-10 03:33:24 umorigu Support Git repository
d69fbb7 2011-06-05 23:22:51 henoheno allow branch_r1_4_7 etc
dd70e93 2011-06-05 23:22:24 henoheno allow branch_r1_4_7 etc
a664b32 2011-06-05 23:15:32 henoheno BugTrack2/347: Ignore converting zh-CN.lng.php

Recently edited Tags

Nombre Rev. Tiempo Autor
git_support 00c36af 2014-08-14 02:49:09 umorigu
r1_4_7 519933e 2006-06-12 00:01:33 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_5_1 94b53fe 2005-02-20 23:51:53 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_5 6090c5a 2004-09-12 00:13:54 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_4 37e661d 2004-09-12 00:13:53 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_3 5cee6cc 2004-09-12 00:13:52 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_2 5e80686 2004-09-12 00:13:51 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_1 4210074 2004-09-12 00:13:50 pukiwikiadmin
r1_3_7 471fcbf 2004-09-12 00:13:49 pukiwikiadmin
r1_3_6 6a283de 2004-09-12 00:13:48 pukiwikiadmin
r1_4_4_rc2 a4f86c7 2004-09-01 20:53:03 henoheno


Nombre Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
master 2951f88 2014-12-23 00:31:57 umorigu Improve handling of UTF-8 o...

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