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packages-apps-Calendar: Resumen Repositorio


Recent Commits RSS

Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
ea39ad1 2010-07-06 17:27:17 Chih-Wei Huang froyo-x86 android-x86-2.2 android-x86-2.2-r2 add notouch resources to avoid crash
14e7716 2010-06-10 14:28:22 Kenny Root Import revised translations Change-Id: Ib458fa5b75881bcf...
f1db29f 2010-05-18 03:26:17 Kenny Root Import revised translations Change-Id: I57d5725c9539ef25...
3acb03a 2010-04-30 07:26:14 Kenny Root Import revised translations Change-Id: Ia34da4ee4637de6e...
1feb194 2010-04-28 07:39:09 Erik Merge "b/2635283 was missing copyright not...
6e25f48 2010-04-28 07:29:25 Erik b/2635283 was missing copyright notice. C...
d7bf3ac 2010-04-28 04:32:24 Kenny Root Import revised translations Change-Id: I9711dbdbf4ba92e0...
061db49 2010-04-27 03:24:42 Erik Revert "b/2622128 Exception events now get updated to be ...
e574d42 2010-04-27 03:22:28 Erik Revert "b/2622128 Fix crash from editEvent and EventInfoA...
af45d5b 2010-04-24 08:05:31 Erik Merge "b/2622128 Fix crash from editEvent and EventInfoAc...

Recently edited Tags

Nombre Rev. Tiempo Autor
android-x86-2.2 ea39ad1 2010-07-06 17:27:17 Chih-Wei Huang
android-x86-2.2-r2 ea39ad1 2010-07-06 17:27:17 Chih-Wei Huang


Nombre Rev. Tiempo Autor Mensaje
froyo-x86 ea39ad1 2010-07-06 17:27:17 Chih-Wei Huang add notouch resources to av...
eclair-x86 f012e13 2010-04-16 21:02:50 Chih-Wei Huang add notouch resources to av...

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