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How to Ticket

This is a guide that instructs on how to use the “ticket” feature provided by OSDN.

For information directed to admins and technicians who are in charge of the ticket system, read Ticket Admin Guide.

If you have any questions or requests, please use a ticket to report.

What is Ticket?

While being involved in an open source project or using one of the products by an open source project, you will be often encountered with situations where “someone has got to do something about so and so”.

  • I found a bug like so and so.
  • We must get it done (for example, by the next release).
  • We need a function like so and so.
  • I can't figure out how to use this function. I need help.
  • How about adding a patch like this one.
  • I'm thinking about adding some changes to the specifications over here like so and so. What do you think?

In those cases, the Ticket system will be the exact tool that you will be using to register “what needs to be done by whom/what will be done by whom” in a form of “ticket. The ticket system will keep track of all processes and enables easy access to the information.

Ticket List/Search

There should be “Ticket” in the menu bar of every project who enables the ticket system. By clicking on “Ticket”, you can access the project's ticket system.

Then you will jump to a page with a ticket list. If there hasn't been any changes added to the user settings (to learn about user settings, read user settings) there will be a list of tickets with open status.

Ticket List

First, let's look at the displayed ticket list.

Each ticket is attributed with multiple properties. As default, among all those properties, “ticket ID”, “summary”, “owner”, “milestone”, “priority” are the ones that appear in the list.

When there are too many items, they will be divided into different pages when they reach a certain number (the default is 100, but the number can be changed on the user settings). In such case, an arrow that links to the previous/next page will appear at the top of the table. There will also be links to jump to the corresponding page.

By clicking on “select columns to show the result set”, which you can find at the upper right of the table, there will be a pop-up window with the list of ticket properties. By putting/disabling a check, you can choose what items to appear in the table.

You should keep in mind that the changes you make here will be cleared (the displayed items will be reversed to the original) once you jump to other pages besides those of ticket system.

If you are logged into the OSDN account, you can edit the displaying items from “user preference” which you can find in the pull-down ticket menu. The changes that are made on “Ticket user preferences” will be recorded in the data base so they will not be reversed even if you jump to other pages. If you want to learn more about user preferences, there are details provided on the page.

Tickets are sorted out and displayed in descending order based on priority/ID. Also, each item is colored in different colors according to priority.

By clicking on the item names (where ID, Summary, Priority are displayed), you can sort them the way you want by shifting the focus on other items. While pressing the Shift key , click on multiple item names to sort based on multiple items. For example, let's say after you're done sorting on milestone, you want to further sort that result on priority. Then click on “milestone” and then on “priority” while pressing the Shift key.

To display details for each ticket, click on the link of each ticket in the “ID” or “summary” column.

Ticket Search

There may be times when you feel like “All I want to see is the tickets that I am responsible of” or “I don't care to see tickets with low priority” or “Are there any tickets regarding XXX function? Let me search for the tickets that have XXX function included in the summary”, and wanting to narrow down the tickets based on several conditions.

In those cases, you should use the ticket search feature.

For ticket search, from the “ticket search term” box which you can find above the list, specify the search query.

Adding Search Queries

For example, let's say we choose “owner” as the query to narrow down the results.

To add a new search query, select the field that meets the condition from “Add Query Filter”. In this case, select “owner”.

There should be a new field added just above “Add Query Filter”. It will allow you to specify the query.

Here in this case, you can see that the field is labeled “owner”, and that there are two tabs with which you can select the “condition” and “value”. And at the far right, there's a “-” button.

In a situation where you are the owner (this is followed suit by “Type”, “Component”, “Milestone”, “Reporter”, “Resolution”), the options offered for the condition are “Equal” and “Not Equal”.

Also for the value, you will see a list of owners. And among the owners, there is “None”. “None” should be used when the owner is not yet to be specified.

For example, let's say you want to search for tickets “of which the owner is ishikawa”, then you will be choosing “equal” for condition, and “ishikawa” for value.

Then when you click on the “search” button, the tickets “of which the owner is ishikawa” will be listed up.

When “Priority” and “Severity” are chosen, the condition options which you can choose among from will be “Equal”, “Not equal”, “Greater than”, “Greater equal”, “Less than”, and “Less equal”.

For “Summary”, “Details”, and “Comments”, the condition options which you can choose from will be “Include”, “Not include”, “Start with”, “End with”, “Equal”, and “Not Equal”.

Set Multiple Queries on One Field

You can specify queries on one field.

Like the aforementioned example, let's say you have already added “owner” to the filter, and here, again, you choose “owner” from the “add query filter”. Now right above the “query filter”, there are “or” label and a tab from which you can select the “value of the condition”.

The additional query will become the “or condition” that supplements the search on the same column of field.

By doing this, now you can browse tickets “of which the owner is either ishikawa or hogehoge” or “of which the owner is either not ishikawa or not hoga”.

Set Multiple Fields to Filter

You can add multiple fields to the filter. For example, you can search for tickets “of which the owner is hogehoge” and also “of which the milestone is foo”.

In a case like this, after selecting “owner” from the “Add Query Filter”, again from the “Add Query Filter” select “milestone” to specify the search condition.

When you add multiple fields to the filter, they will all be set as “AND conditions”.

To Delete Queries

If you mistakenly added a query to the filter, use the “-” button at the far right to delete.

View Each Attribute

Strictly speaking, this specification is not about search condition, but it will affect the way how the results are displayed.

In the usual display of the results, tickets are collectively put together regardless of the ticket attributes. But by using “View Each Attribute” function, you can make the results with the same attribute gathered together.

For example, you may encounter a situation where you want the results to be gathered in different groups according to “Types”.

In a case like that, choose “Type” from the “View Each Attribute” pull down list, then the results will be classified into different groups. For example, they could be classified based on the attributes like “bug”, “support request”, “function request” and so on. (When the number of results is too big, they will be shown in groups of same attribute till it reaches the limit number of display.)

You could also configure in advance from the user settings to classify the results into groups according to attributes.

Gist and Cautions

Here is the digest of how to set query to the search filter.

  • Use “Add Query Filter”, which is right above the search results, to set query for the search filter.
  • To add search query, select the search field from the “Add Query Filter” pull-down list.
  • Once the filed is added, set the condition and value.
  • You could set multiple queries on one field. They will be processed as “OR condition”.
  • You could also set multiple fields to the search filter (like “owner” and “milestone”). They will be processed as “AND conditions”
  • The results can be classified into groups according to the specified attributes.
  • Currently, we do not support “OR condition” for filtering multiple fields. Due to the specification, you can not add filters like “tickets that have a line of text, XXX, included in any of summary, detail, or comments”, and that may cause inconvenience. We will resolve this in the future.

How to Display the Details

Go to the Ticket List, and by clicking on the links for “ID” or “Summary”, you can jump to the page with details on the ticket.

On that page, the following details will be displayed to allow editing.

  • Ticket attributes and contents
  • List of attached files to the ticket
  • Ticket history and comments
  • Adding comment
  • Change ticket attributes
  • Change status

Ticket Attributes

For each ticket, you can set all kinds of attributes. Only ticket admins and technicians of the project have the right to edit the ticket attributes.

The person who reported the ticket (the person who submitted the ticket) can change a few of the attributes (for example, let's say the ticket is finished. By conducting the process of closing the ticket, the “status” of the ticket will change).

The attributes that are added to the ticket are as follows.

Ticket Number

This is a number assigned to a ticket.

All ticket numbers are issued in serial numbers, on OSDN system as a whole. Therefore, there won't be any duplicated numbers, but the numbers will not be issued in serial form for each project.

The numbers are issued mechanically, for they can not be changed.


A summary is a short sentence that explains a ticket, and it is added during the submission of a ticket. Think of it as a title of a ticket.

It will appear in the Ticket List, so carefully choose words that accurately explain the ticket, and keep the sentence as concise as possible.

Ticket admins/technicians can add changes.

Open Date

Open date shows the time and date when a ticket was submitted. It appears at the upper right of ticket details.

This can not be changed.

Last Update

Last update shows the time and date when a ticket was lastly updated. “Ticket Update” includes the followings.

  • A comment was added to the ticket/Deleted the ticket
  • (Ticket admin or technician) edited one of the attributes.

The time for Last Update is changed automatically. This can not be changed manually.


eporter is the person who submitted the ticket.

OSDN login name of the user who reported the ticket will show.

If the project allows non-login users to submit tickets, the reporter could be anonymous. (To learn how to change settings to allow or not allow non-login user to submit tickets, read “Ticket Admin Guide” ).

This will be set automatically when the ticket is submitted and can't be changed manually.

====Owner ====

Owner is the person in charge of the ticket.

When a new ticket is submitted, the owner is set automatically. Or when a ticket admin/technician assigns an owner, his/her OSDN login name will appear.

Ticket admin/technician can change it at all times.

====Priority ====

Priority shows the ticket priority.

As default, any ticket will be set to “5-Medium”

To raise/lower the priority, ticket admin/technician will have to change the value.


Type is a value that shows what kind of ticket it is.

For example, if it says “Bug”, then it is a ticket to report a bug. If it says “Feature request”, it is a ticket to request a certain feature.

If you want to check how tickets are classified into different types in the project, take a look at the “Type List”

Ticket admin/technician can change the values of this attribute.


When there are tickets that share a same goal, like “Things to be done in order to release version 2.0” or “Things that should be done before this spring ends”, then may be you want to treat and process them collectively. In that case, set up a milestone and make each of those tickets subject to the milestone.

For milestone attribute, the name of the milestone will appear.

You can set an open date or due date, and check the progress of a milestone.

To see what each milestone is all about or to see the status, go to “Milestone List”.

Ticket admin/Technician can change the values for this attribute.


Let's say there's “a ticket created for the purpose to define a package called foo” or “a ticket created for the purpose to define a program called bar 2.0”. When a ticket is created for the purpose to define a certain thing, what defines the “thing” is the component.

Typically, a component is a package name or a version number released by the project.

Ticket admin/technician can change the values of this attribute.


It defines what status the ticket is in.

Tickets yet to be processed are in “open” status

Tickets that are already processed are in “closed” status.

Ticket admin/technician can change the values of this attribute. Also, the person who submitted the ticket (except the situation where the ticket was submitted by a non-login user) can change the status of the ticket.


This is a field that defines the kind of solution (or how it will be resolved/or the status of action toward resolving) that were provided for a ticket.

Ticket Admin/Technician can change the values for this attribute.


Details elaborate on a ticket. You are advised to be precise in providing information that will make others understand the ticket better.

Ticket admin/technician can change the values of this attribute.

Attach File

You can attach a file to a ticket that provides further information.

For example, you can do this in situations where you want to attach an image file to better explain a patch for bug fix or to point out a problem.

In order to attach a file to a ticket, you will have to log in.

Ticket History and Comments

Ticket history lists up “who or what” “made a change on which component to what value” or the “submitted comments” in the chronological order.

Generally, it will only show the latest three items, but if you wish to browse the entire history including the ones before, click on the “Show the whole history”

Add Comment

By allowing users to add comments, you can see how they exchanged comments regarding that certain ticket.

To comment on a registered ticket, write your comment in the “Add Comment” box, which can be found on the “Summary” page, then click on the “Post Comment and Update Status”.

You could also use Wiki Syntax and attach files. To preview your comment, click on the “Preview Comment Post”. (Please note that the process will not be completed until you click on the “Post Comment and update status” button.)

In order to precisely keep track of the history, you won't be able to change what you have written once you've posted the comment, Even if you find a spelling mistake, the comment will have to stay as it is.

However, if a comment some how happens to include information that is judged to be problematic for display (things like personal information), the person who posted that comment or ticket admin could delete that comment.

At the upper right of each comment, if there's a button saying “delete this comment”, that comment is deletable. Once you click on that button, confirmation window will pop-up. Then confirm and delete.

Once the deletion is executed, the comment will not appear (but there will be a message saying that the comment has been deleted). The fact that there was a comment post, and the name of the person who made the post will remain in the comment history.

Ticket admin can delete a comment completely (unlike the above example, there won't be a trace of comment left after the process). To completely delete a comment, after clicking on the deletion link, click on the “delete completely” button on the confirmation pop-up window.

Customize Ticket List Layout

May be you have certain demands for how tickets should be laid out, for example,“When I'm browsing the ticket list of the project I'm involved with, first and foremost I want to see the tickets that I'm responsible for” or “When the tickets are shown, they should be grouped according to types”. Each person has his/her own preference for what information should be considered most important and that differs from one another in various ways.

To answer to these needs, OSDN ticket system provides customization of the ticket list layout. To change the default settings, go to the “user preference”. (In order to use the “user preference”, you will have to log in.)

There are mainly two ways to configure ticket user preferences.

  • Global configuration applied to the entire OSDN ticket system
  • Per project configuration applied to a specific project

Regarding per project configuration, each user can configure for different projects separately.

When there is no per project configuration that corresponds to the project of which you are browsing the tickets, global configuration will be applied.

The items which can be configured on ticket user preferences are as follows.

  • Max Items per pages on the Ticket List
  • Default columns to show on Ticket query result set
  • Configuration to display according to ticket attributes separately
  • Default configuration to display search results (only for per project configuration)

Global Configuration

It adjusts how the ticket system is displayed. When per project configuration (this will be mentioned later in the chapter) has already been set up, per project configuration will come before global configuration when browsing that project's ticket list.

Here is how to set the global configuration. After logging into your account, click on “User Settings”, which appears at the upper right of every page, to jump to the “User Settings”. There, by scrolling down, you will see a box labeled “Ticket Preferences”. Click on the “Show Ticket view preferences” button to pop-up a window. There, click on “Common Preferences” to jump to “Ticket User global preferences” page. (The other way to get there is by going to the “Ticket user preferences” page from clicking on “user preference” which can be found in the ticket's pull-down options of your project's menu. Once you get to the page, click on “Configure Ticket Common display”, then you will jump to “Ticket User global preferences” page.)

Max Items per pages on the Ticket List

Here, you can configure the number of items that are shown in the ticket list.

When the number of tickets that were submitted is way over the number you configured, the tickets will be divided into several pages with configured number of items. At the top and bottom of the list, there will be a navigation bar to let you go back and forth between the pages.

Default columns to show on Ticket query result set

Here, put a check mark on items you wish to appear on the ticket list. The items without the check mark will not not appear as default.

The items configured here are to set the default display condition.

There's another way to configure the items that are shown on the ticket list. By clicking on the “Select columns to show on result set” button which is found on “Ticket List” page, you can enable/disable the items by putting/disabling a check mark. But this is only for a temporary setting.

View Each attribute separately

Having this configured, you can make tickets categorized in separate groups according to the specified ticket attributes.

For example, if you configure to sort tickets into separate groups according to “Types”, the search result will classify the tickets into different groups such as “bug”, “support request”, “feature request” and so on. (If the number of tickets that were gathered in a same group happens to be larger than the max number of items on each page, those tickets will be divided into separate pages with labels like “bug 1” and “bug 2”.)

Apply for all per project ticket preferences

Regarding projects under per project configuration, which will be mentioned later, that configuration will be prioritized. Therefore, for example, even if you change the the max items per page from 100 to 50 on “Ticket User global preferences” page, if the per project configuration is set to 100 items, the projects will show 100 items per page.

In that case, you will have to change the number of per project max items one by one.

To save the trouble, there's a function called “Apply for all per project ticket preferences”.

Once you enable the “Apply for all per project ticket preferences” function by putting a check mark to it, then clicking on the “update” button, the values that were configured on “Max Items per page”, “Default columns to show on Ticket query result set”, and “View Each attributes” will collectively reflect on all per project preferences.

Per Project Preferences

To configure per project preferences, go to “User Preference” which can be found on each project's pull-down ticket menu. The configuration will have to correspond to each project, so what's configured here will only reflect on the display settings of that project's ticket list.

Besides the column where you can configure the common display, there are other configurable columns as follows.

Default Ticket Search Terms

You can configure the search terms for what kind of tickets to be displayed on the project's ticket list.

This can be configured in the same manner as the usual ticket search.

Submit a New Ticket

When there are no tickets that seem to fit the terms you configured, try submitting a new ticket.

To submit a new ticket, go to the project menu to select “Submit New Ticket” from the ticket's pull-down options. You could also get here from the Ticket List page. Just click on “Submit New Ticket” which can be found at the upper right of the page.

When “Allow anonymous post of ticket/comment by Non-logged in user” is disabled, which you can configure on “Ticket System Settings” page, and if you happen to be not logged in to your OSDN account, you will not be able to submit a new ticket.

Fill Out the Ticket Form

In order to submit Ticket, you must at least fill in the form.

  • Summary of the Ticket
  • Details of the Ticket

You can use the wiki Syntax.

You also need to specify the following properties.

  • Ticket Type

While selecting the ticket type, there are times that a message is displayed in a blue box that gives instructions on “what to look out for when submitting (that type of) ticket”.

This message is from a project admin or technician asking you to do things like “when filling out this form, please include such and such information”. So when this message gets displayed, please read the message thoroughly and heed the instructions.

Once you're done filling out the form, click on the “Create” button to submit the ticket. (You can set the mailing function to make notice mails sent simultaneously. This will be mentioned later.)

Ticket Update Mails

When a ticket is submitted, or there's been a modification added to the ticket, mails with the update information will be sent to the following users.

  • Reporter
  • Owner
  • Component Owner
  • Ticket Monitoring User (Monitoring will be mentioned later.)
  • Other destinations that are set by the project

All the destinations,including the one above (the destinations that were set by the project) are listed on the Submit New Ticket form.

Tracking Ticket Updates

There may be times you want to know every detail of a certain ticket that got your attention, among all the tickets. Our ticket system provides RSS feeds and monitor function which will be useful in situations like that.


There are mainly two types of RSS provided by the ticket system.

RSS for Ticket List

You can browse the RSS feeds by clicking on “Ticket list RSS” which is found at the upper right of the “Ticket List” page.

This type of RSS includes the following information.

  • The ticket properties that fit the query and the last update of the ticket.

For this type of information, there are two RSS links on the Ticket List page.

One is called “Ticket RSS feed for this Project”, and it deals with all the tickets of the project.

By using this RSS feed, you will be able to track all the ticket updates of the project. For those who want to track the project as a whole, this RSS will be useful.

The other one is called “Ticket List RSS feed for this query”, and it deals with ticket information that fits the search query that are shown on the page.

For this type of RSS, you will be provided with information only after it is narrowed down according to the search query. Please note that “ticket information that no longer fit the query” will not be provided.

For example, let's say you chose “open” for the status on Ticket search terms, and used that as the query for RSS feed. In that case, when a then open ticket becomes closed, the update on that closing ticket will not be distributed. (What gets provided is only the ticket information that fit the query which was specified at the time of starting the RSS feed, so you can't see what falls out of the query.)

RSS Feed for Specific Ticket

We also provide RSS feed for specific ticket updates

This RSS link is found in the box at the upper right of the Ticket Summary page.

The kinds of information included in this type of RSS are as follows.

  • Properties of the ticket
  • History and comments

If you wish to track a specific ticket, this type of RSS will be useful.


Monitor a Specific Ticket

When you are logged into OSDN account, you can set the monitoring function for a specific ticket. On the ticket summary page, there's a link called “Start Monitor” at the upper right. Once you click that, the ticket monitoring will start.

When there's an update/comment on the ticket on which the monitor is set, that information will be sent to the email address assigned on your OSDN account.

To disable the monitor, click on the “stop monitor” link (this is located at exactly the same spot where “start monitoring” was located. Also, while monitoring, there will be a “monitoring” message in red.)

Project Ticket Monitor

We just talked about monitoring a specific ticket and you learned that you will be receiving updates about that specific ticket via email. However, you can not track all the tickets related to that project or track newly submitted tickets.

If you wish to monitor all the tickets regarding the project, including newly submitted tickets, you are advised to use the project ticket monitor function.

To monitor all tickets on the project, click on the “Start Monitor” link at the upper right of the Ticket List page. To disable, click on “Stop Monitor” link. (While monitoring, “monitoring” message will appear in read.)

Cautions on Monitoring

Just like it's been mentioned earlier in the “Submit New Ticket” section, please note that if your email address is included in the destinations of the ticket update mails, even without enabling the monitoring function for that specific ticket, you will be receiving update mails regarding that ticket. (And even if you enable the monitoring function, you won't be receiving same update mails doubly.)

Milestone List

You can browse what kinds of milestones there are on the “Milestone list” which you can found on the project's pull-down ticket menu.

On this milestone list page, you can browse the current status, due date, progress, the number of related tickets.

Also, from each milestone's summary page, you can check the milestone's details and the separate status for “Type”, “Priority”, “Component”, and “Severity”.

Ticket admins can create or change/delete a new milestone on the milestone list page.

Type List

To see what kind of tickets there are, go to the “Types List” page from the ticket pull-down menu.

On that page, you can see the names of the ticket types and their status, and the number of related open tickets, and you could also read the details given on each type.

Also, ticket admins can create or modify/delete a new ticket from this page.

Component List

To see what kinds of components there are, go to the “component list” from the pull-down ticket menu.

On that page, you can browse the names of components, the technician for the component, the number of related open tickets, and the description given on the component.

Ticket admins can create or change/delete new components from this page.

List of Frequently Used Tickets List Queries/ RSS

Frequently used search queries and the corresponding RSS links are all listed up on “List of Frequently use Ticket List Queries/RSS” page.