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Descripción del Proyecto

4Suite is a Python-based toolkit for XML and RDF application development. It features a library of integrated tools for XML processing, implementing open technologies such as DOM, RDF, XSLT, XInclude, XPointer, XLink, XPath, XUpdate, RELAX NG, and XML/SGML Catalogs. Layered upon this is an XML and RDF data repository and server, which supports multiple methods of data access, query, indexing, transformation, rich linking, and rule processing, and provides the data infrastructure of a full database system, including transactions, concurrency, access control, and management tools. It also supports HTTP, RPC, SOAP, and FTP, plus APIs in Python and XSLT.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-07-30 19:57 Back to release list

Los cambios específicos de 1.0a1 no fueron documentados para esta versión, pero como de costumbre, la atención se centró en aplastar los errores y hacer mejoras en las funciones de menor importancia. En cualquier caso, los usuarios de versiones anteriores se recomienda encarecidamente actualizar. La próxima versión tendrá muchas correcciones de errores importantes, incluidas las pérdidas de memoria, por lo que el aventurero se anima a conseguir la versión de desarrollo desde el CVS.
Tags: Development, Minor bugfixes
Specific changes from 1.0a1 were not documented for this release, but as usual, the focus was on squashing bugs and making minor feature enhancements. In any case, users of older versions are strongly encouraged to upgrade. The next release will have many major bugfixes, including memory leaks, so the adventurous are encouraged to get the development version from CVS.

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