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Descripción del Proyecto

afick is another file integrity checker, designed to be fast and fully portable between Unix and Windows platforms. It works by first creating a database that represents a snapshot of the most essential parts of your computer system. You can then run the script to discover all modifications made since the snapshot was taken (i.e. files added, changed, or removed). The configuration syntax is very close to that of aide or tripwire, and a graphical interface is provided.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-25 22:22

Esta versión continuó la reescritura con bibliotecas y pruebas unitarias. Se agregó el Afick::gen, una nueva biblioteca de código genérico. Un error fue corregido en la opción de fijar report_url. También se fijó la función check_update.
Tags: Stable
This release continued the rewrite with libraries and unit tests. Afick::Gen, a new library for generic code was added. A bug was fixed in the fix report_url option. The check_update feature was also fixed.

2012-11-14 07:04

Este es el segundo lanzamiento de la nueva sucursal de 3.x (progresiva reescribir en programación orientada a objetos). Solucionados muchos errores. Se agregó un nuevo plugin (stat_date). Se agregó la clase Afick::Tst.
Tags: Stable
This is the second release of the new 3.x branch (a progressive rewrite in object oriented programming). Many bugs were fixed. A new plugin (stat_date) was added. The class Afick::Tst was added.

2012-07-25 04:01

Se trata de la primera versión pública (estable) de la nueva sucursal de 3.x. Es una reescritura (parcial por ahora) de afick en programación orientada a objetos, para permitir el mejor código y mejor soporte. Coincide con la versión 2.21 para características. Las dos ramas de afick (2.x y 3.x) se mantendrá en paralelo para algunas versiones, para permitir a los usuarios migrar cuando quieren.
Tags: Stable
This is the first public (stable) release of new 3.x branch. It is a rewrite (partial for now) of afick in object oriented programming, to allow better code and better support. It matches the 2.21 release for features. The two afick branches (2.x and 3.x) will be maintained in parallel for a few versions, to allow users to migrate when they want.

2012-07-17 08:29

En sistemas Unix/Linux, el trabajo de cron ahora puede notificar a monitoreo nagios, utilizando la herramienta de nsca.
Tags: Stable
On Unix/Linux systems, the cron job can now notify nagios monitoring, using the nsca tool.

2012-02-08 00:33

SHA-256 y algoritmos de suma de comprobación SHA-512 fueron añadidos para reemplazar SHA-1 para una mayor seguridad. Salida de SHA-* sumas ahora son compatibles con la salida de los comandos sha1sum, sha256sum y sha512sum.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksum algorithms were added to replace SHA-1 for better security. Output of SHA-* checksums are now compatible with the output of the sha1sum, sha256sum, and sha512sum commands.

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