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Descripción del Proyecto

astGUIclient is part of a suite of programs that are designed to
interact with the Asterisk PBX Phone system at a client computer level
to extend the functionality of your phone and system. The main GUI
application, astGUIclient, is a set of PHP Web-based scripts utilizing
Javascript and XMLHTTPRequest functions that work through a browser to
give realtime information and functionality with nothing more than an
Internet browser on the client computer. Another component included with
the astGUIclient package is the VICIDIAL auto-dialer, a list dialer
which can dial one-call-at-a-time or be put in auto-dial mode to act as
a predictive dialer. It can function as an ACD for inbound calls or for
Closer calls coming from VICIDIAL fronters, and allows for remote agents
that may only have a phone.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-12-03 13:08 Back to release list

Estados del sistema, incluyendo la adición de las categorías de estado, puede ser fácilmente controlado. Varias nuevas funciones de grupo se han añadido, incluyendo música en espera, mensajes de alerta, y los tiempos de llamada. Habilidad base de clasificación y encaminamiento de llamadas se puede hacer para el correo entrante y saliente. Agente de enrutamiento de llamadas basado en el número de llamadas recibidas por cada día de hoy en el grupo o la campaña que se puede hacer. La capacidad de copiar la configuración de un usuario existente / Campaña / En el Grupo en una nueva era añadido. La función de transferencia en la pantalla del agente fue cambiado para permitir más opciones de transferencia de In-Group. Campañas disponibles se muestran dinámicamente a un agente en la pantalla de acceso del agente.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
System statuses, including the addition of status
categories, can be easily controlled. Several new
In-Group features were added, including
music-on-hold, alert messages, and call times.
Skill based ranking and call routing can be done
for inbound and outbound. Agent call routing based
on the number of calls taken today per in-group or
campaign can be done. The ability to copy the
settings of an existing User/Campaign/In-Group
into a new one was added. The Transfer feature in
the agent screen was changed to allow for more
transfer In-Group choices. Available campaigns are
dynamically displayed for an agent in the agent
login screen.

Project Resources