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Descripción del Proyecto

BACnet is an implementation of the BACnet
(Building Automation and Control Networks)
protocol specifically tailored for embedded
systems. BACnet itself is a standard routable
protocol designed to handle communications in
automation in buildings, such as air conditioning
systems and other HVAC equipment.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-08-13 16:55 Back to release list

El / MS TP herramienta de captura se ha actualizado. El dlmstp para Windows y Linux se unió, de manera que un módulo común puede ser utilizado para la construcción. Ahorro de archivo PCAP se añadió para la captura MS / TP. Una demo / mstpcap esta aplicación para la captura de MS / TP de datos de un puerto serie y guardarlo en un formato PCAP en el archivo mstp.cap. El apoyo inicial se ha añadido para MS / TP en Linux. BBMD se corrigió para transmitido-NPDU y distribuido-Broadcast-a-red. Exclusiones dirección de origen se agregaron a FDT envía. Un script de shell BVLC fue añadida. Código de limpieza, correcciones, actualizaciones de documentación y se hicieron.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The MS/TP Capture tool was updated. The dlmstp for Windows and Linux was merged, so that a common module can be used for building. PCAP file saving was added for MS/TP captures. A demo/mstpcap application was added for capturing MS/TP data from a serial port and saving it in PCAP format to the mstp.cap file. Initial support was added for MS/TP on Linux. BBMD was corrected for Forwarded-NPDU and Distributed-Broadcast-to-Network. Source address exclusions were added to FDT sends. A BVLC shell script was added. Code cleanup, bugfixes, and documentation updates were done.

Project Resources