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Descripción del Proyecto

BlueMind is a messaging and collaboration platform. It offers scalable shared messaging, calendars, contacts, and instant messaging with advanced mobility (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.), and Outlook, Thunderbird, and CalDAV connectivity support. Designed with simplicity as a goal, it uses Web 2.0 technologies with a JavaScript UI, offline Web capability, and a Web-services-oriented pluggable architecture.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-21 07:02 Back to release list

Se hicieron muchas mejoras de rendimiento en calendario Autocompletar, en búsqueda de correo móvil y en la arquitectura de núcleo. Se ha corregido un desagradable crash de Firefox causado por rounducbe sobre el envío de correo electrónico. Correcciones fueron hechas en ICS importación e importación de VCard de Webmail. Un rango de sincronización de un año ha sido configurado para permitir calendarios muy grandes en almacenamiento de navegador.
Tags: 1.0, Stable
Many performance improvement were made on Calendar autocomplete, on mobile email search, and on the core architecture. A nasty Firefox crash caused by rounducbe on email sending has been fixed. Fixes were made on ICS import and VCard import from Webmail. A sync range of one year has been set to allow very big calendars in browser storage.

Project Resources