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Descripción del Proyecto

CloudVPN is a secure decentralized mesh networking tool. It allows applications to use it as a mesh transport layer for packet routing, easily creating mesh ethernet VPN, secured audio/video broadcasting or communication channels, etc. It can create secured networks with special or weird topologies, so it's very easy to create connection schemes with clustered/decentralized servers, topologies with better throughput, ring-like topologies for failover, long-line for passing through many routes, or tree topology for optimizing inter-server bandwidth needs.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-05-10 05:51 Back to release list

La nueva arquitectura ahora trabaja con todas las características de la rama 1.x. Una interfaz de puerta de genéricos y una puerta para Ethernet se agregaron. El enrutamiento de paquetes fue reescrito con un algoritmo simplificado que funciona para todos los tipos de paquetes. Dirección convenios fueron reescritos de forma que se manejan las familias de direcciones múltiples. El archivo readme fue reescrito. Nuevas características para la construcción se han añadido. Esto fue probado a compilar en FreeBSD, OpenBSD, y Win32 a través de MinGW. Este es un final pre-lanzamiento de 2.0.
The new architecture now works with all features from the 1.x branch. A generic gate interface and a gate for Ethernet were added. Packet routing was rewritten with a simplified algorithm that works for all types of packets. Address conventions were rewritten so that multiple address families are handled. The readme file was rewritten. New features for building were added. This was tested to compile on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Win32 via MinGW. This is a final pre-release for 2.0.

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