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Descripción del Proyecto

core2 is a library that extends the ECMAScript
built-in objects: Array, Boolean, Date, Error,
Function, Number, Object, and String.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-01-10 00:42

Trasladado desde 10 hasta 28 ordenadores a prueba. Las pruebas más en los navegadores (Firefox y Safari) y sistemas operativos (Linux Mandrake, Ubuntu Linux, y Mac OS X). Firefox 1.5 métodos de matriz son ahora una segunda revisión de tiempo y disposición de los huéspedes. Algunos de código no utilizado ha sido eliminado y bugs corregidos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Moved from 10 to 28 tested hosts. More tests on browsers (Firefox and Safari) and operating systems (Linux Mandrake, Linux Ubuntu, and Mac OS X). Firefox 1.5 array methods are now a run-time patch and available to any hosts. Some unused code has been removed and bugs fixed.

2005-12-10 08:16

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources