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Descripción del Proyecto

DutchPIPE allows Web developers to make virtual
multi-user "avatar" environments. Each Web page becomes an abstracted environment or location where visitors and other items on the page are visualized. This status is retained as visitors move around. A lot of real-time interaction is possible, resulting in persistent interactive page environments. DutchPIPE uses AJAX and the DOM for the browser, and it works without Java, Flash, plugins, or
firewall adjustments.

System Requirements

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2007-08-04 09:14 Back to release list

Ya no es necesario teclear comandos - todas las acciones que ahora se puede realizar utilizando un ratón. El campo de entrada ya no aparece por defecto, y cuando se muestra se utiliza para la página de chat. El método addAction en DpObject se hizo aún más potente. Adecuada actualizaciones dinámicas de la ventana de inventario se producen al hacer y conseguir cosas, y en el inventario / ventana de la lista de compras cuando compra y venta de material, incluidas las actualizaciones de los créditos. Avatares inactivos son ahora "fantasma". Prueba y la depuración se realizó para todos los principales navegadores.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
You no longer need to type commands - all actions can now be performed using a the mouse. The input field is no longer shown by default, and when shown is used for page chat. The addAction method in DpObject was made even more powerful. Proper dynamic updates of the inventory window occur when taking and getting stuff, and in the inventory/shop list window when selling and buying stuff, including updates of credits. Inactive Avatars are now "ghosted". Testing and debugging was performed for all major browsers.

Project Resources