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Descripción del Proyecto

Elastic Webeditor is Perl script that alows users to edit their home pages online. Administration is also implemented. It supports plugins like a tar.gz viewer, CheckLinks log processor and others. Its main feature is that you need only one unix style account, but you can have as many webeditor users as you need. Each one can edit/upload files in his folders. There is also some kind of SSI support. It is easy to write your own plugins if you know some Perl. Elastic Webeditor is used by

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2001-06-13 03:38 Back to release list

El comando 'Cambio de piel', que permite a cada usuario seleccionar su piel favorito, se añadió. La nueva opción "DenyAction 'permite borrar, mover, y otras acciones que se limita a un grupo de archivos o carpetas. El comando 'Copiar archivo "y la" opción cookieprefix' se han aplicado. El IM nuevo plugin Convert (que utiliza convertidor de ImageMagick) permite que casi cualquier formato de imagen que se muestra en un navegador.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The 'Change skin' command, which allows each user to select his favorite skin,
was added. The new 'DenyAction' option allows delete, move, and other actions
to be restricted to a group of files or folders. The 'Copy file' command and
the 'CookiePrefix' option have been implemented. The new IM-Convert plugin
(which uses ImageMagick's converter) allows almost any picture format to be
displayed in a browser.

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