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Descripción del Proyecto

ezContents is a Web site content management system in the form of a Drupal distribution. The default theme is fully responsive. Its features include maintaining menus, adding authors that write contents, permissions, workflow, and layout possibilities for the entire look of the site by simple use of settings. A @font-your-face module with Google Web Fonts is added by default. It offers great flexibility for the Web site developer and a user-friendly interface for the editor. You can extend it yourself using existing Drupal modules or themes.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-04-17 13:04 Back to release list
1.40 Final

Un nuevo tema por defecto ha sido añadido a la secuencia de instalación. Errores corregidos en esta versión incluyen marcos de doble después de cambiar de un usuario, un error al mostrar los módulos, "Top HTML:" no funciona, el vínculo con marco de destino no funciona, la imagen del separador de columna se estira, el Tope "del menú:" link de apertura en una nueva ventana, un error de JavaScript en hover elemento de menú, [pagelink] a una página sin cuerpo, [grouplist] la seguridad evitando la etiqueta, y refrescar la pantalla al cambiar de contraseñas.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A new default theme has been added to the install script. Bugs fixed in this release include double frames after changing a user, an error when showing modules, "Top HTML:" not working, the link to target frame not working, the column separator image being stretched, the "Top-menu:" link opening in a new window, a JavaScript error on menu item hover, [pagelink] to a page with no body, [grouplist] tag bypassing security, and refreshing the screen when changing passwords.

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