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Descripción del Proyecto

Freeside is an open-source billing and trouble ticketing package for ISPs, VoIP, hosting, service, and content providers, and other online businesses.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-03-13 18:35 Back to release list

Esta versión de mantenimiento incluye correcciones y mejoras de características de menor importancia. Características notables incluyen nuevos lacrimógenos cupones de descuento de las facturas, una opción de la cantidad de una sola vez los cargos, el apoyo a ChilliSpot / CoovaChilli RADIUS atributos de los contingentes de datos, y de base OpenSRS integración.
This maintenance release includes fixes and minor feature enhancements. Notable new features include tear-off coupons for invoices, a quantity option for one-time charges, support for ChilliSpot/CoovaChilli RADIUS attributes for data quotas, and basic OpenSRS integration.

Project Resources