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Descripción del Proyecto

FreeType 2 is a high-quality and portable font engine that is capable of supporting several font formats (be they bitmapped or scalable) through a simple and uniform interface. Its design is modular and allows independent "font driver" modules to be added, even at runtime, to support additional formats. It also provides a high-quality anti-aliasing renderer, an innovative auto-hinting engine, and support for the following font formats: TrueType Type1, CID-Type 1, Multiple Masters Type 1 OpenType/CFF, pure CFF, and CEF Windows FNT/FON.

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2002-05-02 19:05 Back to release list

El intérprete de bytecode TrueType se ha fijado para producir exactamente el mismo resultado que FreeType 1.x. El análisis de las tablas del acelerador en el controlador de fuente PCF fue corregido. El glifo Type1 gestor de rutina utilizados para calcular ancho de avance máximo de la fuente fue corregido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The TrueType bytecode interpreter has been fixed
to produce exactly the same output as FreeType
1.x. The parsing of accelerator tables in the PCF
font driver was fixed. The Type1 glyph loader
routine used to compute the font's maximum advance
width was fixed.

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