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Descripción del Proyecto

GNOME Schedule is a system schedule maintenance
tool. It has support for the cron and at
scheduling systems. It aims to be as HIG
compatible as possible. The target is to provide
any sane desktop user with a tool to maintain the
scheduling of his or her desktop tasks, while not
requiring an understanding of the cron or at

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-01-03 19:48 Back to release list

Este comunicado contiene muchas correcciones de errores y se considera estable, ha sido probado y desarrollado en una variedad de distribuciones, como Gentoo, Ubuntu, Slackware, la previsión, Fedora, etc. Es compatible con los demonios de cron más populares, vixie-cron y dcron. Se utiliza uno de los formatos de fecha para la 'a', así que debería funcionar en la mayoría de los locales. Un applet donde se puede elegir desde un menú desplegable para agregar una tarea de gestión de tareas, y obtener ayuda. Un reescrito completamente manual con capturas de pantalla de fantasía. Refrescante de las tareas. Algunos pequeños cambios.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release contains many bugfixes and is considered stable; it has been tested and developed on a variety of distributions, like Gentoo, Ubuntu, Slackware, foresight, Fedora, and so on. It supports the most popular cron daemons, vixie-cron and dcron. It uses one of the standard date formats for 'at', so it should work on most locales. An applet where you can choose from an drop-down menu to add a task, manage tasks, and get help. A completely rewritten manual with fancy screenshots. Refreshing of tasks. Some smaller changes.

Project Resources