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Descripción del Proyecto

GNUmed Live is a bootable CD that contains the GNUmed medical software client in a graphical environment as well as the corresponding PostgreSQL database for medical record storage. It can be run completely self-contained without any installation on the host system. The CD provides an option to install a fully configured Debian Linux distribution on the host computer.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-04-22 22:16 Back to release list

El CD en vivo se ha actualizado con el cliente y el servidor 13,1 0.7.1. Esta versión trae una base de datos totalmente configurado locales y OpenOffice, así una integración de látex para los dispositivos de la correspondencia.
The live CD has been updated with client 0.7.1 and server 13.1. This release brings a fully configured local database and OpenOffice as well a Latex integration for correspondence features.

Project Resources