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Descripción del Proyecto

I, Librarian is a PDF manager or PDF organizer that allows individual researchers or a group of researchers to create an annotated collection of PDF articles. Users may build the virtual library collaboratively, thus sharing the workload of literature mining. It enables smart browsing and fast searching in reference data and PDF files, and includes an advanced tool for mining scientific literature from PubMed, PubMed Central, NASA ADS, arXiv, IEEE Xplore, and HighWire Press.

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2012-06-21 08:10 Back to release list

Esta versión incorpora varias mejoras y nuevas características, incluyendo la anotación de PDF con un marcador de color y notas anclados, una nueva búsqueda experta que permite la construcción de consultas de búsqueda compleja y una actualización automática que consulta CrossRef, PubMed y anuncios de la NASA. La GUI se ha mejorado para ser más sensible y más ágil.
This release adds several improvements and new features, including PDF annotation with a color marker and pinned notes, a new expert search which enables construction of complex search queries, and an autoupdate which queries PubMed, NASA ADS, and CrossRef. The GUI has been improved to be more responsive and more streamlined.

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